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Just wanna say how sold I am on this little black box of wonderment!!!!!

Who else has one?????

Who uses somethin different?????

Mizu Kuma - 08 October 2013 01:31 PM

Who uses somethin different?????

HTPC + XBMC > Everything else




We have two, love them. Awesome bit of kit.



K2_TeacherBoy - 08 October 2013 02:30 PM




Set one up in my parents tv room when I got them a new TV last Xmas. They don’t really use it - only rent movies to watch with the grandkids through iTunes Store on occasion.
I struggle to find a use for it and I bought it.
It’s a good way to view youtube and vimeo. PP loves it for watching cute animal videos.

Have to convert all downloaded movies so they will play through iTunes, which isn’t as easy as it should be, have to have my computer always on and the external drive with iTunes library plugged in (which is my iPod).
I end up with 2 files of the the same movie - one in my video archive drive (2TB) and one for iTunes Library (iPod 160GB).

I’m sure there are better systems than AppleTV to watch my video collection.
Half the time it struggles to find my iTunes library and it needs ‘professional IT advice’ (turned off/on) to get working again.

It looks pretty next to the tv.

spaz - 08 October 2013 03:45 PM

Set one up in my parents tv room when I got them a new TV last Xmas. They don’t really use it - only rent movies to watch with the grandkids through iTunes Store on occasion.
I struggle to find a use for it and I bought it.
It’s a good way to view youtube and vimeo. PP loves it for watching cute animal videos.

Have to convert all downloaded movies so they will play through iTunes, which isn’t as easy as it should be, have to have my computer always on and the external drive with iTunes library plugged in (which is my iPod).
I end up with 2 files of the the same movie - one in my video archive drive (2TB) and one for iTunes Library (iPod 160GB).

I’m sure there are better systems than AppleTV to watch my video collection.
Half the time it struggles to find my iTunes library and it needs ‘professional IT advice’ (turned off/on) to get working again.

It looks pretty next to the tv.

Can’t ya just import the Downloaded Movies into iTunes?????

Don’t ya SYNC only the Media that ya want onto ya iPod????? I use the ATV Remote APP via my iPhone, in order to access my Media that’s on an External Hardrive!!!!!


I actually run iTunes from my iPod like it’s an external drive (in hard disk mode) so I can take my whole library on the road with my laptop for editing purposes.
It also works as a an iPod with selected songs/playlists etc.

Can’t just import movies into iTunes unless they are iTunes compatible.
Even when I “share” to iTunes using Quicktime Pro it knows they aren’t legit. Some movies I’ve had to run through my edit software to remove the hidden coding.

I imagine by “media on external drive” you mean; media that is already used by iTunes. For that i need to get iTunes to play the files first.

spaz - 08 October 2013 03:45 PM

I’m sure there are better systems than AppleTV to watch my video collection.


Don’t have to convert anything.

I download TV shows/movies and drag and drop onto the box and watch immediately.


Ohh you guys aren’t talkin about “your” movies/media!!!!!

You’re talkin about shit that ya’ve stolen!!!!!


I did consider WDTV but the price vs appleTV (without Hard Drive) was a factor.
I got AppleTV bundled with my MacPro financing.

In hindsight I should’ve gone for the alternative. Not that it I ever intended using it… when I get around to (and require) setting up Back to My Mac it should make AppleTV or WDTV irrelevant. At the end of the day it was well thought gift for my tech awed stepdad.

There are alternative (and cheaper) ways to stream media, they’re just not as convenient.


I got them working ok for Azz’s birthday movie. Can play all sorts of stuff through iTunes. took about 20 seconds to convert a full length movie to iTunes compat once I figured out what I was wanting.

Love the apple tv, I reckon it’s the best value add-on piece of equipment we have. It gets used every single day. We have “not the best” internet speeds here in the nether regions of Oz and it streams pretty well except at peak time, although that’s improving.

Mizu Kuma - 08 October 2013 06:00 PM

Ohh you guys aren’t talkin about “your” movies/media!!!!!

You’re talkin about shit that ya’ve stolen!!!!!



Rasberry Pi + XBMC.

So much cheaper and easier to use once setup.

TJswish - 08 October 2013 09:46 PM

Rasberry Pi + XBMC.

So much cheaper and easier to use once setup.

I never heard of one, so I looked it up. Funny how things that are meant to make life easier are so far over most people’s heads. This looks like a great little product, but like apple TV, for most people, older and young, unless you have a real interest in gadgetry, technology, this would require someone to set it up for them. It amazes me that I still get phone calls from people asking “how do you do _____?”, when that person has the same opportunities to get on the web and search for the answer.

Back to the fruit though, what’s the regular cost, and how is it easier? (NOT doing exactly what I just criticised, cos I could research, I’m asking TJ’s opinion smile )