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What gets you fired up?  You get to rant!

fast eddie - 09 September 2010 07:50 AM

the thing that use to drive me insane was when i was young i use to have to pick up the dog poo,i would walk up to it and fly’s would bail off it.Then i would go in for the scoop and that fly that was just on it would land on my face….. arhhhhhhhh it gets me frustrated thinking about it haha


Cant say that ever happened, but I’d be pretty fired up about that!

fast eddie - 09 September 2010 09:47 PM

also when the parents of a kids game gets out of hand.

I dont have kids in sports, but my brother does. They make the parents (in some areas around here) take a class about learning how to behave at sport games. and if a parent acts up, they will make them leave the field / court. Pretty strict rules, I’d say, but seriously it’s what you’re teaching the kids. and it takes the fun out of it.

snowslider - 10 September 2010 12:14 PM
fast eddie - 09 September 2010 07:50 AM

the thing that use to drive me insane was when i was young i use to have to pick up the dog poo,i would walk up to it and fly’s would bail off it.Then i would go in for the scoop and that fly that was just on it would land on my face….. arhhhhhhhh it gets me frustrated thinking about it haha


Cant say that ever happened, but I’d be pretty fired up about that!

fast eddie - 09 September 2010 09:47 PM

also when the parents of a kids game gets out of hand.

I dont have kids in sports, but my brother does. They make the parents (in some areas around here) take a class about learning how to behave at sport games. and if a parent acts up, they will make them leave the field / court. Pretty strict rules, I’d say, but seriously it’s what you’re teaching the kids. and it takes the fun out of it.

When I used to play hockey I watched a friends dad get so mad at a kid on the other team he jumped the boards and tryed to fight this kid…he got tooled it was fricken hillarious.  Watched a lot of parent fight in the stands to.  Got out of hand for a while.


I hate that the Australian gov keeps talking about how there is a labour shortage and then turns around and wont let anyone come to the country to work…and those that they do allow to come here are resticted to tightly they can not get a job… I am currently only allowed to work 20 hours a week…Try paying rent, international student fees, transit and eating with a part time job.

Pull your head out Aus Gov.  If you actually allowed people to move to the country there would be less people sneaking in!


That student cards only work in the state that the uni is in. do they think that we get richer if we cross a boarder?

also that they wont give international students, student rates on public transport…..instead they try and #$#k them for even more money.

CRACKERS - 11 September 2010 01:40 AM

That student cards only work in the state that the uni is in. do they think that we get richer if we cross a boarder?

also that they wont give international students, student rates on public transport…..instead they try and #$#k them for even more money.

Ya add all that up on mine tooo GRRRRRRRRR


Also when you a 5 cars back at the lights and when the light goes green the 1st driver takes his sweet arse time and it makes you get stuck again at the red light…..


The Gov spending my tax payer dollars on sh1t that noone wants or needs….the Internet Filter comes to mind, as does superannuation - I think I can invest my money a helluva lot better then the Gov ever could….

Oh yeah stamp duty on houses - what a f***** rort…


Smokers that can not take more then 2 steps out of a public entrance before lighting up.  I am fine with you choosing to smoke, I used to but I always would walk away from high traffic areas before lighting up…even when it was -30 out.  Take a few extra steps for those of us that dont want to breath it in.

darb - 13 September 2010 01:16 AM

Smokers that can not take more then 2 steps out of a public entrance before lighting up.  I am fine with you choosing to smoke, I used to but I always would walk away from high traffic areas before lighting up…even when it was -30 out.  Take a few extra steps for those of us that dont want to breath it in.

I run into this everytime I go to the store, usually employees right by the entrance

snowdragon - 13 September 2010 02:22 AM
darb - 13 September 2010 01:16 AM

Smokers that can not take more then 2 steps out of a public entrance before lighting up.  I am fine with you choosing to smoke, I used to but I always would walk away from high traffic areas before lighting up…even when it was -30 out.  Take a few extra steps for those of us that dont want to breath it in.

I run into this everytime I go to the store, usually employees right by the entrance

The funniest one is the people that work at organic foodplaces and judge you for eating non organic and then there out there sparking up a chemical stick lol


1. Taxi’s in general. Shocking drivers. Learn where your indicators are, work out safe gaps ! Could occasionally include Buses in that, but only when I am actually on it. Get it right mate, your pedals are Potentiometers, not flippin digital on off switches. Pull up smoothly, I am not interested in chucking a superman through your windshield.

2. People who hate on or classify others due to a stereotype (i.e All skaters are blindly stupid pot smoking vandalists)

3. When my gf says “whatever” when I am trying to get my point across in very logical argument :-D

4. Needing to drop the kids off at the pool only to find the toilets seats been the victim of drive by urinater. Or just the latter in general. Just. Aim.

- Fox®


^^^ hard one to plz lol


Sydney roads! GRRRRRRRRR shut eye


people standing and talking in thoroughfares


yeah rider I’m with you on that one…sydney roads suck…thats why you move away! wink