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~ Perisher Loses Court Case ~

Poll: What’s your ruling?????
Total Votes: 12
Perisher should not have been sued in the first place!!!!!
The Plaintiff deserved compensation!!!!!
Mizu should get 1.2 Million Dollars just for bein such an awesome guy!!!!!
Mizu should be smashed with a safety bar

Its most likely a case of someone doing something bloody stupid whilst trying to get onto the chair. Ive seen so many people do so many f’ing stupid things. How hard is it to sit down! teacherboy

Ask any of our lifty members here!


its idiots like this that will turn us into a sue for anything & everything society like america. Nanny State!!!!!!!!


She wasn’t really doing anything stupid… Buuut still not perishers fault.  The safety bar on the chair was down.. The liftys acted as fast as they could, raised the bar so they could actually did sit on the chair.. This misaligned the chair and she ended up sitting on the armrest.. Hardly perishers fault… As it could have been ALOT worse!  (i personally look at the chair coming at the back,of my legs and move over if needed… Not that hard really.. ) I’ve had a move a few times and copped a few massive bruises from the chairs.. But I’m not about to sue perisher.. I understand things can go wrong,and I’m doing this at my own risk..

h0z - 08 October 2013 11:13 AM

I’m doing this at my own risk..

exactly.. you ski & board at your own risk


Ghita Nair-Smith!!! a full time GP from the Easter Suburbs has surely spent a vast amount on lawyers to get awarded $1.19 mil in compensation.

Compensation to pay; (all calculated to an estimation of cost by myself)
A cleaner for the rest of her life - one day a week, for 30years = $400K
For the 1.5days a week she can’t work and a mattress.

The amount is substantially low (given what a GP earns in a day), but I can only imagine how the resorts would fare if every person injured getting on a chairlift sued the resort operator. Especially when the person isn’t following instruction.

And the judge didn’t award her for PTSD. If anything, the judge was lenient toward Perisher and Nair-Smith will barely cover her costs.

Spongebob hasn’t been able to have sex since being knocked over by the Mt.P chair, and he hasn’t worked a day since then and is reminded of the shameful incident regularly online.
Does he want to spend the next 10years going through court to barely be awarded enough to cover his costs….?

I would vote for the first two options but since I can’t I’ll vote the third one. shaka


The forth option was also tempting.

Can’t I just vote for “all of the above”

K2_TeacherBoy - 08 October 2013 11:02 AM

Its most likely a case of someone doing something bloody stupid whilst trying to get onto the chair. Ive seen so many people do so many f’ing stupid things. How hard is it to sit down! teacherboy

Ask any of our lifty members here!

I’ve seen plenty of lifty’s f-up causing major injury - my daughter has been injured (and myself) on a number of occasions due to them being braindead morons but more often I’ve seen idiot punters stab liftys in the eye with a ski pole.

In this case; apparently the lifty had left the safety bar down while it turned the bullwheel.

spaz - 08 October 2013 04:35 PM

Spongebob hasn’t been able to have sex since being knocked over by the Mt.P chair, and he hasn’t worked a day since then and is reminded of the shameful incident regularly online.