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Big crash out the front of my work yesterday


Agree completely with Nthn’s sentiments on Trucks, L Platers, Motocycles, and Bicycles!!!!!

Ive been on Highways and in Major Cities, along with Rural Towns in Japan, a country renowned for its huge cycle use, and not once did I see any takin up space where motor vehicles operate!!!!!

It’s just a lack of common courtesy over here!!!!!

I never let my kids drive to the snow on their L’s for the simple reason that it’s not only dangerous to force other motorists to overtake unnecessarily, but also out of common courtesy!!!!!


The only problem I have with cyclists (the pedal variety) is that they are using facilities paid for by motorists.
Rarely do I come across them using up to much space but like every group there are idiots out there. When they ride side by side they deserve all the abuse and close misses they get.
No one deserves to be run down by a vehicle. Suggesting it is retarded. teacherboy

Pro’s for cyclist’s; Not harming the environment, don’t take up much room, no licensing/rego fee’s.
When younger I was pulled up by a cop for riding on the footpath in the Eastern Suburbs, I gave him a mouthful for expecting me to ride on the road - he didn’t care and threatened to fine me for endangering pedestrians.

I drive a very cycle heavy road that is quite narrow, Lawrence Hargrave Drive.
IMO more people should ride bikes but there should be more bike lanes like we have in the suburbs.


I got stuck on Captain Cook Bridge once for 3 hours cos a truck going 90km/h had smashed into a broken down vehicle, pushing it over to the other side of the road and the truck flipping and hanging off the edge of the bridge. You know what baffled me? How everyone was complaining about being stuck there. “I have to get here, I have to get there, I can’t believe this”. Mate, we’re alive. Unlike those 3 poor people who just died. Ps Trucks are scary!