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What’s your favourite TV show?


No one else had any thoughts on the Mother??


I think it was good that Lily and the mother talked first. Sort of set the scene. Not too many thoughts. Should be a good season coming up smile


Just watched Ep 3

Spoilers again…

How many eps are they going to have for the wedding????


Oh and are there any West Wing fans out there??

Anyone else remember the Ep where the US govt shutdown?

S05E08 - Currently downloading just for shits and giggles!

ozgirl - 01 October 2013 09:22 PM

Just watched Ep 3

Spoilers again…

How many eps are they going to have for the wedding????

More spoilers.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this season is just a really long drawn out weekend. I’m already over the wedding part. Get it done and let Ted and her have some time together!


about to watch episode 1 of season 3 of homeland. Its on showtime on the tv in our motel room here in salt lake tonight. Everything else on the tv is complete rubbish, so super keen for this!

No idea when we’ll be able to get around to watching the rest of the season though…probably when we get to sweden in december.

TJswish - 02 October 2013 09:15 AM
ozgirl - 01 October 2013 09:22 PM

Just watched Ep 3

Spoilers again…

How many eps are they going to have for the wedding????

More spoilers.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this season is just a really long drawn out weekend. I’m already over the wedding part. Get it done and let Ted and her have some time together!

I agree!

ozgirl - 02 October 2013 01:29 PM
TJswish - 02 October 2013 09:15 AM
ozgirl - 01 October 2013 09:22 PM

Just watched Ep 3

Spoilers again…

How many eps are they going to have for the wedding????

More spoilers.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this season is just a really long drawn out weekend. I’m already over the wedding part. Get it done and let Ted and her have some time together!

I agree!

Gotta say i agree with you both! At least this season has been funnier than last season. (well the first 2 eps at least)

I watched the first two ep’s of The Blacklist last night. It hasnt got the best reviews by critics as apparently its pretty similar to Silence of the Lambs. It actually kinda reminds me of Burn Notice - each week is about out smarting a different bad guy… That said, I’ve never seen silence of the lambs, I love Burn Notice and I think James Spader is brilliant so I actually thoroughly enjoyed it!! Now i have an urge to go back and re-watch all of Boston Legal (again)


Boston Legal is one of the greatest shows ever. Its so damn clever with its humor

air180 - 02 October 2013 03:21 PM

Gotta say i agree with you both! At least this season has been funnier than last season. (well the first 2 eps at least)

White again
Only funny part of the most recent episode was Marshall in Packers gear and the cheese hat

K2_TeacherBoy - 02 October 2013 03:26 PM

Boston Legal is one of the greatest shows ever. Its so damn clever with its humor

Definitely. Boston Legal and the Wire would have to be two of my all time favourite shows. No matter how many times i watch them, they just don’t get old!! In fact I think i appreciate how brilliant they are a little more each time.

TJswish - 02 October 2013 03:36 PM
air180 - 02 October 2013 03:21 PM

Gotta say i agree with you both! At least this season has been funnier than last season. (well the first 2 eps at least)

White again
Only funny part of the most recent episode was Marshall in Packers gear and the cheese hat

And Sherri shepherd - the comedian in scenes with him.