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Hi boardworld, recently been learning backside 50 50s but I’m having some troubles. When I ollie onto the ledge I land in willie or boardslide. Sometimes I miss the ledge all together! Any tips on getting both trucks locked in? Also sometimes my front truck locks up how do I fix that? Thanks, Meehah.
No need to worry mate it’s a common problem.
First make sure your Ollie is high and solid. Then when you approach the bs 50 50 come at it about 10 degrease facing you back to the ledge. Now when you pop your Ollie tweak a little like your doing a tinny backside 180 lock on, grind and pop off
I really hope you get it mate soon you’ll be getting bs smiths.
Good luck
Ok I’ll try that. It kind of feel like I’m not ollieing high enough.
Yea that’s ok everyone has trouble on this trick. Just practise your Ollie’s pop and height.
Note. Make sure you give yourself some space between you and the ledge
Good luck
Hey mate,
sorry for the delay in replying to this thread!
I struggle like hell with this trick, so pretty much dont do them. I just cant get into them properly.
But try what Eamon has said. Focus on landing with your back truck first on the ledge. If you do this it means you are guiding the board around with your back foot and wont hang up if you are ollieing high enough like you say.
Approach the ledge on a slight angle and as you ollie turn your shoulders a bit as you would a backside 180. And then guide your back foot onto the ledge as I said before.
Good luck wih it and let us know how it goes
Thanks so much everyone! Finally landed a few today. The way I did it was going parallel to the ledge. It just helped me get my back truck up.
That’s great dude well done
I bet it feels good to land it.
Roll on
I’m still having trouble with it on higher objects but I’m getting a lot better.
Yea with higher objects it’s just a matter of getting that big pop on your Ollie.