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Snowboard hunting for my gf

Poll: Which Snowboard?
Total Votes: 1
Saloman Grace
Roxy Inspire

Hey all,

My gf is having some trouble finding decent reviews and places to get a snowboard.

She has narrowed down her search to a Saloman Grace or a Roxy Inspire (134/135).

She is 147cm, 41kgs, rides regular, can link skidded turns on green runs. She’s at the stage where she is building up confidence and comfort to do blue runs.

We have been to Perisher/NZ and will be heading over to Japan next year. She did try a K2 Bright Lite and did not like it whilst we were in NZ.

Any thoughts on those 2 boards listed and has anyone tried them before?
Otherwise, any other recommendations would be appreciated.



Hey mate,

Are you working with a particular budget?

Out of those two, I would lean towards to Roxy Inspire. The Salomon Grace has a flat profile while the Roxy Inspire is rocker. She will enjoy the rockered profile more at this stage of her progression, but more importantly it will perform a lot better in the powder in Japan. It also has Magnetraction, giving her more confidence in icy conditions in Australia. I feel this is the better option given her level and intended use.



I’m not sure exactly how much she wants to spend. Perhaps the 250-350 mark. But that could be a little flexible.
Are there any sales on at any stores atm that will post to Brisbane? What about last season gear?

We won’t be going to Japan until Feb/March next year, so there’s no rush to get one soon but thought we’d start early and do some research etc.


All stores should have their end of season sales running by now. I am sure most would look after you with free shipping too. Other than that, I don’t have specifics.

Just a reminder, if you spend $300 or more (can be multiple items on the one receipt), within 30 days prior to travelling, you will get your tax back at the airport through the Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS). So it’s probably best waiting or putting a board on lay-by.


Thanks mate, I’ll let her know.

rider26 - 30 September 2013 12:35 PM

Just a reminder, if you spend $300 or more (can be multiple items on the one receipt), within 30 days prior to travelling, you will get your tax back at the airport through the Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS). So it’s probably best waiting or putting a board on lay-by.

Just a little heads up on this too!!!!!

If you do take advantage of this scheme, on return to Aus you’re supposed to declare the goods if you’re bringin it back into the country, and therefore liable to pay the tax!!!!!


I just called Customs as I was curious about this and couldn’t find any reference to the concession value.

If you are returning back to Australia with the goods, you only need to declare the goods if the total value of the goods, plus good you bought overseas, exceeds $900 (for an adult). Also, if you are travelling with a partner, you can add these values together, so $1800 for a couple.

Also, it looks like the 30 day purchase period has been increased to 60 days, so you have more time to purchase before you leave Australia.