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What gets you fired up?  You get to rant!


I could not remember if there was a variation of this yet but here goes. 

What makes you furious, something that is not really a big deal in life but just pushes you over the edge/

Mine is:

When you are riding the escalator and you are walking up… its packed on the left (right in the americas) and the peeps on the right are walking (usually me and again opposite in the americas).  So there you are walking like herded cattle and then the F*&$ job in front of you decides that he is 7 steps from the top so he does not need to walk stopping everyone behind them with just centimeters from smelling the ass of who ever is in front of them.

Suck it up and take the extra 7 steps you nob!


Slow walking people.
Discourteous drivers.
Slowass computers.

To be honest, it takes a fair bit to get me fired up, but you don’t want to be in the way when I do…


when they stuff up your order at mcdonalds or they forget to give you the sauce

Mizu Kuma - 09 September 2010 06:58 AM
fatima4u - 09 September 2010 06:53 AM

when they stuff up your order at mcdonalds or they forget to give you the sauce

Always about the food with you, isn’t it….... all about the food!!!!!  LOL

We ordered 3 Lrg Cappuccinos on the way home from the snow the other day and they gave us 3 Sweet’n'Sour Sauce’s when we got to the window!!!! WTF????

yea thats happened 2 me a couple of times ordered drinks and goetten sauce instead LOL

Mizu Kuma - 09 September 2010 06:44 AM

Political Correctness!!!!!

What ever happened to ‘sticks n stones….......’, Get over it and take it on the chin!!!!!! If ya too busy worrin about what someone said to ya, then in reality YOU have become their B1TCH!!!!!

Public Liability!!!!!

If ya trip up and smack ya head on the dairy cabinet at Woolies cause ya slipped in some water on the floor, then it is your own fault for bein such a DICK, and not lookin where ya goin!!!!!!

STOP blamin ya DICKHEADNESS on others!!!!!


This man, he knows.


the thing that use to drive me insane was when i was young i use to have to pick up the dog poo,i would walk up to it and fly’s would bail off it.Then i would go in for the scoop and that fly that was just on it would land on my face….. arhhhhhhhh it gets me frustrated thinking about it haha


People who whinge about something (eg. crap job, etc) yet do nothing about it to improve it (eg. apply for another job, go back to school, etc)


Ben Lee. Every time I see his head, I want to punch it. Repeatedly.

Tills - 09 September 2010 08:42 AM

Ben Lee. Every time I see his head, I want to punch it. Repeatedly.

hahahaha thats funny as

Tills - 09 September 2010 08:42 AM

Ben Lee. Every time I see his head, I want to punch it. Repeatedly.

Haha I went to school with Ben. He was in my cottage (each house was split into seven cottages), so I had to hang out with him every single day. He was such a knob and always gave me lectures for getting into trouble and getting detentions. I have no idea how he became that famous.


people that eat Mcdonalds*. if your not fat already, you are going to be one day ( insert mccains meals into that space at whim).


haha this is a good thread. I agree with the one about people complaining about their lives and doing nothing about it.

I also hate people who take sport so seriously that they whinge and complain to the refs, be violent to the other team, or abuse their own team mates. I’ll play as hard as anyone, give my best & always want to win…but its not worth acting like a tool for.

cords - 09 September 2010 12:42 PM

haha this is a good thread. I agree with the one about people complaining about their lives and doing nothing about it.

I also hate people who take sport so seriously that they whinge and complain to the refs, be violent to the other team, or abuse their own team mates. I’ll play as hard as anyone, give my best & always want to win…but its not worth acting like a tool for.

also when the parents of a kids game gets out of hand.


People that drive under the speed limit, but refuse to get out of the passing lane- 60k in an 80 Zone? COME ON!!!!


Stinky cab drivers! Sitting next to one right now. Smells like he ran a marathon about three days ago, and forgot where his shower was…

Tills - 09 September 2010 08:42 AM

Ben Lee. Every time I see his head, I want to punch it. Repeatedly.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha go for it Tills, and thats the way i like it, so please
                                          Tills punch him please, come on before
                                          you catch his disease…..........