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The Motivation - Street Skateboarding doco 2013


I watched this the other night on Google Play. Not a bad doco. Feel it went a bit long. Dont expect a doco as good as Bones Brigade, and it isnt purely about street skateboarding.
It follows a bunch of skaters from Street League and their lead up to the comp.

But like I said, 1.5hrs is pretty long!


Was it any good? Not 100% sure how I feel about the trailer as I’m not a huge street league fan


It was interesting to see the background of each skater, growing up and all. But wasnt as riviting as Bones Brigade. If you can watch it for free, and have time yeh watch it. But dont go right out of your way to see it.


Did you buy it or download it??


rented it. was testing out the google play with rents