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Federal Election 2013


Very simple something about 2 big parties

Liberal = Business comes first

Labour = Family comes first

Don’t bother to debate me above…  smile

ozgirl - 15 August 2013 05:02 PM

Are you going to do a postal vote Cords? Or not bother?

Postal vote already organised….the dates for when they send the papers out etc actually worked out perfectly for the one and only one place in the US that we know exactly where and when we will be there - so we will actually have a fixed address for them to be sent to.

Otherwise I would have had to not do it and write and say I couldn’t because I was traveling and I would have been quite disappointed.

Spending my teenage years with parents who actually sat in the reps/senate chambers with all the MPs for their job, meant I’ve always been interested in politics. When you watch them at work, go for a lunchtime swim in the same pool, eat at the same cafeteria etc as they did, you see first hand who behaves with the integrity and dignity their position requires.


Thats cool Cords!

Great that it works out so you can actually vote!


Yeah, The Greens need every vote they can get!!!!! smirk

Mizu Kuma - 15 August 2013 09:03 PM

Yeah, The Greens need every vote they can get!!!!! smirk

beachndogs - 15 August 2013 09:13 PM
Mizu Kuma - 15 August 2013 09:03 PM

Yeah, The Greens need every vote they can get!!!!! smirk

That’s up to us as consumers!!!!!

You wanna fly in planes, drive cars, use electronic devices like the ones that we’re usin now, then we are the ones that are havin an impact on our environment!!!!!

Can’t blame political parties for the way we live our personal lives?????

Mizu Kuma - 15 August 2013 09:18 PM
beachndogs - 15 August 2013 09:13 PM
Mizu Kuma - 15 August 2013 09:03 PM

Yeah, The Greens need every vote they can get!!!!! smirk

That’s up to us as consumers!!!!!

You wanna fly in planes, drive cars, use electronic devices like the ones that we’re usin now, then we are the ones that are havin an impact on our environment!!!!!

Can’t blame political parties for the way we live our personal lives?????

Absolutely. I believe strongly in personal accountability/responsibility.

Which makes it easy to refuse to vote for a party whose leader does not believe in climate change. My small way of helping the planet yeah smile

beachndogs - 15 August 2013 09:24 PM
Mizu Kuma - 15 August 2013 09:18 PM
beachndogs - 15 August 2013 09:13 PM
Mizu Kuma - 15 August 2013 09:03 PM

Yeah, The Greens need every vote they can get!!!!! smirk

That’s up to us as consumers!!!!!

You wanna fly in planes, drive cars, use electronic devices like the ones that we’re usin now, then we are the ones that are havin an impact on our environment!!!!!

Can’t blame political parties for the way we live our personal lives?????

Absolutely. I believe strongly in personal accountability/responsibility.

Which makes it easy to refuse to vote for a party whose leader does not believe in climate change. My small way of helping the planet yeah smile

Not really, cause if we don’t change our habits, it’s really only a token gesture!!!!!

And sadly, it’s Human Nature to continue wanting more!!!!! Only have to look at China & India to see examples!!!!!


imagine if all the energy to run our lives came from renewable sources rather than fossil fuels. Greens are interested in that side of things and so am I. The coal and mining companies are all on borrowed time and they know it.

I reckon the greens won’t do too badly. It seems Adam Bandt has a strong chance of holding his seat in the lower house for Melbourne.

Also a tonne of traditional labor voters who are ticked off about labor’s lurch to the right on asylum seeker policy who will give the greens first preference in the senate.

Mizu Kuma - 15 August 2013 09:31 PM
beachndogs - 15 August 2013 09:24 PM
Mizu Kuma - 15 August 2013 09:18 PM
beachndogs - 15 August 2013 09:13 PM
Mizu Kuma - 15 August 2013 09:03 PM

Yeah, The Greens need every vote they can get!!!!! smirk

Which makes it easy to refuse to vote for a party whose leader does not believe in climate change. My small way of helping the planet yeah smile

Not really, cause if we don’t change our habits, it’s really only a token gesture!!!!!

And sadly, it’s Human Nature to continue wanting more!!!!! Only have to look at China & India to see examples!!!!!

Yeah, but that’s the thing miz. I live very simply. Everything I own fits into one backpack. And I don’t really want for anything, except clean air to breathe, clean water to swim in at the beach and mountains that will still have snow to board on. (okay, that’s a lie. would love a dog). I take personal responsibility for my impact on the environment. So what else is there? Well using my vote for a try a make a diff in the grander scheme of things. Start small, dream big bud!


How do you obtain metals without Mining?????

The same metals that go into components that are scattered around you at this very moment!!!!! The ones that our Grandparents lived without, yet we can’t!!!!!

I wonder if Milne & Bant realise where the materials they used to build the aircraft and cars that they use so often on “The Campain Trail”, actually come from????? Let alone the Fossil Fuels to run them!!!!!


Should read *Well using my vote to try and make a diff in the grander scheme of things. Start small, dream big bud!

beachndogs - 15 August 2013 09:41 PM
Mizu Kuma - 15 August 2013 09:31 PM
beachndogs - 15 August 2013 09:24 PM
Mizu Kuma - 15 August 2013 09:18 PM
beachndogs - 15 August 2013 09:13 PM
Mizu Kuma - 15 August 2013 09:03 PM

Yeah, The Greens need every vote they can get!!!!! smirk

Which makes it easy to refuse to vote for a party whose leader does not believe in climate change. My small way of helping the planet yeah smile

Not really, cause if we don’t change our habits, it’s really only a token gesture!!!!!

And sadly, it’s Human Nature to continue wanting more!!!!! Only have to look at China & India to see examples!!!!!

Yeah, but that’s the thing miz. I live very simply. Everything I own fits into one backpack. And I don’t really want for anything, except clean air to breathe, clean water to swim in at the beach and mountains that will still have snow to board on. (okay, that’s a lie. would love a dog). I take personal responsibility for my impact on the environment. So what else is there? Well using my vote for a try a make a diff in the grander scheme of things. Start small, dream big bud!

Simply, meaning that you fly to the other side of the world in a machine that runs on fossil fuels, and is made from elements that are dug up out of the earth?????

These things didn’t happen so readily 100 years ago, and I’m pretty sure that it ain’t gonna revert back that way either!!!!!

beachndogs - 15 August 2013 09:43 PM

Should read *Well using my vote to try and make a diff in the grander scheme of things. Start small, dream big bud!

I’ve worked in the Steel Industry for 25 years now, and ever since I can remember we have always looked to reducing the use of electricity/gas/waste, and to minimise the impact on the environment to as little as possible!!!!!

If ya wanna stop any impact from such a place, then we as consumers need to stop usin Steel!!!!!

Yep, the same steel that we make our lifts out of, the same steel that we make our snowboard edges out of, or even the buckles on our boots!!!!!

I don’t see that happenin!!!!!

If anythin we will consume and demand more and more!!!!!


happy for the barrier reef to be destroyed by mining companies then, mizu?

I’d rather live in a tent that be part of generation that is to blame for allowing something like that to happen.