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The Line Up - Daily Chat :)


I just found my new home, click HERE and check it out, 20 minutes from Hobart smile

Azz - 15 August 2013 07:00 PM

I just found my new home, click HERE and check it out, 20 minutes from Hobart smile

So much yes!! Wish I could just find myself a little shack on some secluded beach or a cabin somewhere in the mountains/woods. being around people is over rated. Now dogs on the other hand.. haha LOL


Azz - 15 August 2013 07:00 PM

I just found my new home, click HERE and check it out, 20 minutes from Hobart smile

It’s says there’s room for your mates!!!!!

I’ve got my bags packed, you just tell me when the deeds are handed over!!!!!


Been hearing some Heli noise this evening,  Chopper left hour an half ago,  jst returned slowly. . Best thoughts to that situation ohh

snowdragon - 15 August 2013 10:30 PM

Been hearing some Heli noise this evening,  Chopper left hour an half ago,  jst returned slowly. . Best thoughts to that situation ohh

Not good :-(


Greetings from Sarajevo! Eating burek, čevapi and drinking beers on a warm night. This holiday sucks! :p


I had Burek for breaky yesterday!!!!! LOL


Is there such thing as a delayed concussion?

Looks like it could be food poisoning from a servo pie sick



ETA: Have called Dylan and all is okay (besides food poisoning!)

But for those not aware Delayed concussion is VERY VERY serious.

If you think you have this please go to emergency or even call 000.

If you hit your head but feel otherwise fine then later start losing your short term memory or start throwing up later this could be cause by pressure building in your brain.


Either way that’s bad new mate. Take care.

Especially don’t mess around if you think it’s a delayed concussion. I copped more than my share when playing footy, and I will never take one lightly again.


Don’t take Food Poisoning too lightly either!!!!!

Mrs Miz’s Aunty had a dodgy feed at KFC once, and she ended up on a Colostomy Bag & half of her bowel cut out!!!!!


Actually, yeah. Food poisoning is no joke either.

A mate of mine copped it about a month back. I don’t know how it all works, but he was in hospital for over a week and couldn’t walk. Got out and was on crutches for about another week. He’s still walking with a limp. I never knew food poisoning could do that to you. I think he mentioned that the food poisoning aggravated some other condition.



food poisoning can kill. or seriously maim.
had a case back in the day of a bunch of uni students who made a pasta dish one night and wanted to make it again a week or so later but the pasta sauce had mould on the top. so they ended up just scrapping that part off and making it any way. prob is, it was infected with clostridium botulinum which had disseminated through the sauce and 2 of the three ended up dying of botulism. moral of the story, if it’s mouldy chuck it out!!


If it’s growing, time for throwing!



(but shit your job is cool!)