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Federal Election 2013


Republic or our current!!!!!

It really makes no difference if the people in charge have no idea how to run the business!!!!!

Either way, I reckon they spent enough money on the first referendum, and they should just get on with what we have!!!!!

They both have their positives, and they both have their negatives!!!!!

Only have to look at countries like the US of A!!!!!


Plus… Imagine how much money it would cost to change to a republic.. money that would be better spent elsewhere

ojisan - 14 August 2013 03:47 PM

Plus… Imagine how much money it would cost to change to a republic.. money that would be better spent elsewhere

Totally agree!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 14 August 2013 03:44 PM

It really makes no difference if the people in charge have no idea how to run the business!!!!!


I would prefer they fix our actually government than change it!


ojisan - 14 August 2013 03:27 PM

Well yes, I wouldn’t mind Australia becoming a republic, but I’ll be buggered if I let you people you call MP’s choose my president, and on that basis, I voted against the referendum.


But they did that on purpose! Waste of money!

As I said our president would just be a figure head like our current GG!


ozgirl - 14 August 2013 03:53 PM
ojisan - 14 August 2013 03:27 PM

Well yes, I wouldn’t mind Australia becoming a republic, but I’ll be buggered if I let you people you call MP’s choose my president, and on that basis, I voted against the referendum.


But they did that on purpose! Waste of money!

As I said our president would just be a figure head like our current GG!


Howard was the true monarchist.. and he would have pu his hand up to draft that question

ojisan - 14 August 2013 04:00 PM
ozgirl - 14 August 2013 03:53 PM
ojisan - 14 August 2013 03:27 PM

Well yes, I wouldn’t mind Australia becoming a republic, but I’ll be buggered if I let you people you call MP’s choose my president, and on that basis, I voted against the referendum.


But they did that on purpose! Waste of money!

As I said our president would just be a figure head like our current GG!


Howard was the true monarchist.. and he would have pu his hand up to draft that question

I didn’t know that Howard was part of the Committee?????

ojisan - 14 August 2013 04:00 PM
ozgirl - 14 August 2013 03:53 PM
ojisan - 14 August 2013 03:27 PM

Well yes, I wouldn’t mind Australia becoming a republic, but I’ll be buggered if I let you people you call MP’s choose my president, and on that basis, I voted against the referendum.


But they did that on purpose! Waste of money!

As I said our president would just be a figure head like our current GG!


Howard was the true monarchist.. and he would have pu his hand up to draft that question


The people wanted it but the govt didn’t!

So they did the referendum to shut the “people” up when the results came back no!

Mizu Kuma - 14 August 2013 02:45 PM

Unlike Labour, when the Coalition are running things they do it as a group!!!!!

Just remember Howard/Costello!!!!! It was well known that they didn’t get along, yet they kept it in house and got on with the job!!!!!

Unlike Labor’s constant hatred for one another that lead to the shambles that you have today!!!!!

Not voting for a party based on pure hatred for creepy geeky lookin guy like Tony, would be like not eating at a top restaurant just because ya didn’t like the look of the Chef or Waitress!!!!!

I don’t give a crap what they look like, what they wear, whether they are a Catholic/Muslim/Black/White/Whatever, I just want someone that can run the country, and run it good!!!!!

Labor have shown us that they can’t!!!!!

It’s time for them to pack their bags!!!!!

Yeah Miz, my dislike of Abbott has nothing to do with his creepy looks and much more to do with his inability to separate his personal agenda from public policy. Just today he has come out and said that he would be unlikely to allow a conscience vote on gay marriage because he doesn’t believe we should change laws based on what is ‘fashionable’ at the moment. So regardless if the coalition is run under a more collaborative approach, abbott with still have final say on such matters and yeah, that bothers me a lot. And I don’t for one second believe he has the fiscal aptitude of the costello/howard gov’t. (which in my opinion was mostly costello).

For the record, I agree in that I could care less about what religion the PM ascribes to, but if they are unable to govern and produce policies independent of their own personal agenda, then they are not capable, in my opinion, of being leader.

beachndogs - 14 August 2013 04:10 PM

So regardless if the coalition is run under a more collaborative approach, abbott with still have final say on such matters and yeah, that bothers me a lot. And I don’t for one second believe he has the fiscal aptitude of the costello/howard gov’t. (which in my opinion was mostly costello).

For the record, I agree in that I could care less about what religion the PM ascribes to, but if they are unable to govern and produce policies independent of their own personal agenda, then they are not capable, in my opinion, of being leader.

This all of this!!


Im just going to vote for whoever has the best policy for mining and partying.


Let us know when you figure out who that is!

beachndogs - 14 August 2013 04:10 PM
Mizu Kuma - 14 August 2013 02:45 PM

Unlike Labour, when the Coalition are running things they do it as a group!!!!!

Just remember Howard/Costello!!!!! It was well known that they didn’t get along, yet they kept it in house and got on with the job!!!!!

Unlike Labor’s constant hatred for one another that lead to the shambles that you have today!!!!!

Not voting for a party based on pure hatred for creepy geeky lookin guy like Tony, would be like not eating at a top restaurant just because ya didn’t like the look of the Chef or Waitress!!!!!

I don’t give a crap what they look like, what they wear, whether they are a Catholic/Muslim/Black/White/Whatever, I just want someone that can run the country, and run it good!!!!!

Labor have shown us that they can’t!!!!!

It’s time for them to pack their bags!!!!!

Yeah Miz, my dislike of Abbott has nothing to do with his creepy looks and much more to do with his inability to separate his personal agenda from public policy. Just today he has come out and said that he would be unlikely to allow a conscience vote on gay marriage because he doesn’t believe we should change laws based on what is ‘fashionable’ at the moment. So regardless if the coalition is run under a more collaborative approach, abbott with still have final say on such matters and yeah, that bothers me a lot. And I don’t for one second believe he has the fiscal aptitude of the costello/howard gov’t. (which in my opinion was mostly costello).

For the record, I agree in that I could care less about what religion the PM ascribes to, but if they are unable to govern and produce policies independent of their own personal agenda, then they are not capable, in my opinion, of being leader.

Every Leader is gonna have their own opinions on every matter, based on their upbringing/beliefs/experiences, so ya not gonna please everybody!!!!! These are the things that shape everyone’s own personal agendas in life!!!!! These can change however, and I honestly see Abbot’s views can be persuaded!!!!! But he won’t do it for the Popularity Vote!!!!!

Rudd only had a sudden change of heart on the Gay Marriage Subject, cause he realised that it would buy him more votes!!!!!

Exactly what he did when he said “Sorry”, when he used the term “Fair shake of the Sauce Bottle”, like he is now when he’s scare mongering about GST with the good old Vegemite example!!!!!

the guy just says whatever he thinks people will want him to say, then when he’s got the reins (Pun not intended), he will do what he wants!!!!!

We’ve al seen what he’s like behind the scenes, with abusing stewardesses for the wrong sandwich, or goin on a rant because someone didn’t write his speech properly!!!!! Even his own Party members hoisted him at one stage!!!!! It’s what Labor do!!!!!


Ohhh, and on the Costello thing!!!!!

Howard also knew that it was Costello that could crunch the numbers!!!!! That’s why he stayed in there even though they never saw eye to eye!!!!!

Unlike our last “Worlds Greatest Treasurer”, that disappeared off the scene the moment his old mate got reappointed!!!!!

If Swanny was the best in the World, then they should’ve done all they could to keep him there!!!!! Shows that they didn’t even believe their own bullshit!!!!!

deanobruce - 14 August 2013 04:15 PM

Im just going to vote for whoever has the best policy for mining and partying.

Don’t vote for Christine then!!!!!