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Federal Election 2013





love john oliver!
on an aside, the longer this campaign goes on the more i wish we did not run under the westminster system and we could vote a person rather than a party. Because there is no feasible way I can in good conscience bring myself to vote for a party led by tony abbott. What a grade A douchebag.


I’m just glad that Rudd and his pretentious little smirk will be gone, come the aftermath of the Election!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 14 August 2013 02:25 PM

I’m just glad that Rudd and his pretentious little smirk will be gone, come the aftermath of the Election!!!!!

To be replaced by the budgie smuggling sexist religious nutter.
Seriously, they are as bad as each other.
I kinda wish Turnbull was opposition leader then the libs would annihilate labor, as he is a more down to earth person than Abbott.


Turnbull has his problems too but I agree that they would do much better with him in charge.


With the PM being the person who represents the Australian people to the rest of the world, it would just as embarrassing with Abbott as it has been with Rudd/Gilliard/ALP Caucus


Woops.. hit send twice


Unlike Labour, when the Coalition are running things they do it as a group!!!!!

Just remember Howard/Costello!!!!! It was well known that they didn’t get along, yet they kept it in house and got on with the job!!!!!

Unlike Labor’s constant hatred for one another that lead to the shambles that you have today!!!!!

Not voting for a party based on pure hatred for creepy geeky lookin guy like Tony, would be like not eating at a top restaurant just because ya didn’t like the look of the Chef or Waitress!!!!!

I don’t give a crap what they look like, what they wear, whether they are a Catholic/Muslim/Black/White/Whatever, I just want someone that can run the country, and run it good!!!!!

Labor have shown us that they can’t!!!!!

It’s time for them to pack their bags!!!!!

ojisan - 14 August 2013 02:32 PM
Mizu Kuma - 14 August 2013 02:25 PM

I’m just glad that Rudd and his pretentious little smirk will be gone, come the aftermath of the Election!!!!!

To be replaced by the budgie smuggling sexist religious nutter.
Seriously, they are as bad as each other.
I kinda wish Turnbull was opposition leader then the libs would annihilate labor, as he is a more down to earth person than Abbott.

Yeah I don’t think Abbott gets the whole separation of church and state hey. Plus his attitude to women leaves a little to be desired also. When he describes a candidates ‘sex appeal’ as one of her finer attributes, you just wanna slap him upside the head. Not that I am an advocate of Rudd either. Psychopath doesn’t seem to do him justice.

Turnball, is my pick out of the two major parties, although I could get behind Assange and some of his candidates and policies tbh.


I guess if we were a republic then we could vote on el-presedente..
and you are right Mizu… labor will have to go… it be interesting to see if the libs can be true to their word with the Aust economy changing direction

ojisan - 14 August 2013 03:00 PM

I guess if we were a republic then we could vote on el-presedente..

But we wouldn’t….

That was the whole problem with the referendum on it.

The “president” would be the equivalent of the GG (ie no actual power) - and everyone was up in arms about not being able to vote for our “president”.

I believe our voting process would not change much (but I was only a young’en when that went don’t so I may not be remembering correctly…


1999. I couldn’t even vote when we had that referendum…


It was my first election!


that referendum was one of the worse worded questions.
If I remember rightly, it asked us .. Do you want australia to become a republic and do you want the federal parliament to choose a president.
Well yes, I wouldn’t mind Australia becoming a republic, but I’ll be buggered if I let you people you call MP’s choose my president, and on that basis, I voted against the referendum.