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Lots of snow on the way!


weird, I can’t imagine riding with gum trees around! just used to corniferous or cedars here in japan


to be honest I loved being able to see past them as compared t the trees in whis which do a great job of blocking you visibility past the first few.. on the flipside i much prefer the smell of the trees in whis tongue wink


Is it still worth going to Mt Buller this weekend? Suppose to be pissing down rain.


I could handle a little water but there is suppose to be between 20 to 40 ml of rain and its gonna be 6 degrees too so would be very wet. Thing is im staying at the backpackers and as far as I know there is no dry room etc. So means wet clothes all weekend. :( By the way its only my second time snowboarding so would it be a little frustrating in the slush?


Not so much frustrating, more likely miserable.

I’m sure every boarder can remember that one day where they wished they stayed inside!

Mine was at Buller for the interschools one year. It had been threatening to rain all morning and then all of a sudden it broke. The winds whipped up out of nowhere and if the return from the bottom of the Wombat lift (where a thousand other people were also madly trying to get back to the village from) wasn’t the most miserable experience that I’ve ever had on the mountain, I don’t know what was!

Being drenched through to the bone with the winds up was bad, but I couldn’t imagine not at least having a drying room to thaw out in!

That said, on our trip to NZ this year our apartment didn’t have a drying room. It did however have an extra bedroom locked off to us with seperate heating that we broke into and cranked the temp up to the max, left our gear on the bed and voila! Instadryingroom/sauna!


Im leaning towards not going unless the backpackers have a drying room hiding away somewhere.


ridin in the rain is sick…low key, no crowds, no pressure!

as long as your gear is decently waterproof it’s sweet


By all means, I’m not saying not to go, the weather might not be nearly as bad as forecast!

I do however think that it’s important when you first start out to give yourself the best opportunity to get the most out of the learning experience. IMHO, part of this is trying to eliminate any factors that might make it miserable or misrepresent the enjoyment that you should be getting from such an awesome sport/activity/call it what you will.

For what it’s worth, I’d still go wink


How acurate are the weather forecasts for mt buller? My mate thinks he went one time when it was suppose to rain when it didnt, but knowing him he probably looked at the melbourne weather instead of mt buller.


just go - it will give you something to talk about. when you squint slush starts to look like powder!


bad day on the snow is still better than a good day in the office


Yeah but im also tight on money. I would rather wait for a better day than waste money on a crappy weekend.


yeah I’d go anyway I think. You never know what might come up unexpectedly in the next few weeks & then you might end up not being able to go at all! Strike while the iron is hot, I think the saying says!

Matty-E - 01 September 2010 09:30 AM

Yeah but im also tight on money. I would rather wait for a better day than waste money on a crappy weekend.

good idea, it was raining this morrning but its gona snow soon i hope