The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive



Azz - 25 July 2013 08:14 PM
drc13 - 25 July 2013 08:13 PM
Mizu Kuma - 25 July 2013 08:03 PM
ozgirl - 25 July 2013 08:00 PM

Brad I think that takes talent!

And a liter of petrol!!!!!

How the f@#k do ya start a fire cookin Bacon & Eggs????? LOL

I’m equally puzzled! worlds fattiest bacon?

He was in Canada and we all know how they go on about Canadian bacon being the best smile

Seriously do we need to ask? I mean its brad!!!



I was actually a bit let down by Canadian Bacon!!!!!

Maybe I had set the bar to high?????

Give me good old Aussie Bacon ANYDAY!!!!!


You gotta get some Fat Pig Farm bacon from Tassie!!!! drool


That’s the guy that has the show on SBS, yeah?????

The Food Critic from Sydney!!!!!


yeah canadian bacon is shithouse.
95% fat 5% meat. not helped by the fact that the bread in whis tastes like sugar. makes for a very disappointing bacon sanga


Could have ended like my place about 8 years back…

My sister put oil in a pan.. went to check her MySpace (yes that’s how long ago it was) and forgot about it..

Luckily dad woke up and smelt the burning.. and ran out to stop it..

That doorway in the photo next to the stove/burnt cupboard is my room….  I came home to dad ripping into my sister for it.. and was like holy s@#t!!


Oh yes very lucky!

I know.

And not even a drop spilt.

Pan is rat shit tho… black as the ace of spades.

Softening with bi card and detergent. Will hit it with the oven cleaner before I chuck it out.


Empty a can of coke into it and leave it over night… smile


Canadian bacon is shit.
Aus stuff for life!

Way to much oil on a pan way too got equals fire and an early mornin wake up call

Mizu Kuma - 25 July 2013 08:25 PM

That’s the guy that has the show on SBS, yeah?????

The Food Critic from Sydney!!!!!

Thats the bloke, Matthew Evans.
Dude makes good bacon drool

Azz - 26 July 2013 06:51 AM
Mizu Kuma - 25 July 2013 08:25 PM

That’s the guy that has the show on SBS, yeah?????

The Food Critic from Sydney!!!!!

Thats the bloke, Matthew Evans.
Dude makes good bacon drool

Man, that guy has set himself up right!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 25 July 2013 08:21 PM

I was actually a bit let down by Canadian Bacon!!!!!

Maybe I had set the bar to high?????

Give me good old Aussie Bacon ANYDAY!!!!!

English ham the other day = sick !!!




Jesus Billy, living dangerously big surprise

Stay safe, we want you back smile