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Come on boys…


Mwhahaha, very amusing, I find that guy way less likely looking to prefer his cocoa based treats packed or to engage in an oral sausage hiding contest than the original pic despite all the brokeback connotations. I fcuken hate that movie, it wrecked cowboy movies for me.


You watched that movie?????

h0z - 24 July 2013 09:07 PM

I think Dylan should enter to defend his “adorable” title.. Also.. Bar tab dyldo!! Your set for the night!! Haha *puts date of comp in phone to remember to put it on silent over night to avoid 2am phone calls*

If it was 1 weekend later I might have been down there too LOL

NBG - 25 July 2013 06:17 AM

Mwhahaha, very amusing, I find that guy way less likely looking to prefer his cocoa based treats packed or to engage in an oral sausage hiding contest than the original pic despite all the brokeback connotations. I fcuken hate that movie, it wrecked cowboy movies for me.

yeah, the whole country and western theme usually ruins cowboy movies for me. having two babes like jake and heath getting it on would make me much more inclined to watch one just quietly LOL


All I can imagine is what Jake and Heath’s agents were thinking, I like to imagine what Ari Gold would have said about them doing it.

All I have to do is watch Clint in Unforgiven and it rescues westerns for me.  Unfortunately The Magnificent Seven seems to have developed latent homosexual tendencies in some of the characters, at least after Brokeback Mountain.

Yes Mizu I watched it, at least I know that I have but my mental self protection mechanisms kicked in and I have repressed the memory of it into deep compartmentalisation from which it shall not return.  If memory serves I watched it in order to curry favour from someone with who I was interested in having relations of the straight persuasion.

NBG - 24 July 2013 09:01 PM

Cop out K2.

I’d do it but I’ll be busy braiding my pubic hair is perhaps a better excuse.

Cop out why? I seriously would. I have no probs with gettin my kit off and makin an ass of myself in front of a crowd

NBG - 25 July 2013 08:28 AM

All I can imagine is what Jake and Heath’s agents were thinking, I like to imagine what Ari Gold would have said about them doing it.

All I have to do is watch Clint in Unforgiven and it rescues westerns for me.  Unfortunately The Magnificent Seven seems to have developed latent homosexual tendencies in some of the characters, at least after Brokeback Mountain.

Yes Mizu I watched it, at least I know that I have but my mental self protection mechanisms kicked in and I have repressed the memory of it into deep compartmentalisation from which it shall not return.  If memory serves I watched it in order to curry favour from someone with who I was interested in having relations of the straight persuasion.

uhhh probably, let’s do a movie that will gather a shitload of awards and become critically acclaimed and respected? betcha if it was two chicks in the movie you wouldn’t be questioning what the agents thought, you’d be lining up to see that shit twice.

K2_TeacherBoy - 25 July 2013 08:36 AM
NBG - 24 July 2013 09:01 PM

Cop out K2.

I’d do it but I’ll be busy braiding my pubic hair is perhaps a better excuse.

Cop out why? I seriously would. I have no probs with gettin my kit off and makin an ass of myself in front of a crowd

hahaha truer words have never been spoken smile


If you really want to do something, you’ll do it.  No more excuses K2, the kayaking will be pretty good this weekend and there might even be some snow left from that dump if it hasn’t all melted.

Beachn you realise that Ari Gold is a fictional character from the TV show Entourage right?  A radically homophobic totally politically incorrect arsehole who said some of the funniest and wrongest shit on a TV show ever.  Just thinking about a scene where he convinces a rival agent his client is about to do a movie where he would be playing a gay guy was highly amusing.

NBG - 25 July 2013 09:06 AM

If you really want to do something, you’ll do it.  No more excuses K2, the kayaking will be pretty good this weekend and there might even be some snow left from that dump if it hasn’t all melted.

Beachn you realise that Ari Gold is a fictional character from the TV show Entourage right?  A radically homophobic totally politically incorrect arsehole who said some of the funniest and wrongest shit on a TV show ever.  Just thinking about a scene where he convinces a rival agent his client is about to do a movie where he would be playing a gay guy was highly amusing.

Yeah I do. Who hasn’t seen entourage? But I wasn’t commenting on that afterthought. I was making comment on this… “All I can imagine is what Jake and Heath’s agents were thinking…”


if they were Ari Gold…..........................was what I was thinking.  That ep of Entourage was actually about Heath I think.  Very occasionally (all the time) I don’t make my thought process fully transparent which results in confusion at to my actual intent.  Tongue in cheek sarcasm doesn’t translate well into text either.


haha yeah, you’re not wrong. use your words next time sunshine and i wont have to get all up in your business like ari’s wife smile

beachndogs - 25 July 2013 10:59 AM

haha yeah, you’re not wrong. use your words next time sunshine and i wont have to get all up in your business like ari’s wife smile

Reminded me of this:

TJswish - 25 July 2013 11:07 AM
beachndogs - 25 July 2013 10:59 AM

haha yeah, you’re not wrong. use your words next time sunshine and i wont have to get all up in your business like ari’s wife smile

Reminded me of this:

hahaha that has a direct line to my funny bone!! did actually laugh out loud LOL


Hahahaha this is awesome LOL

Get Shane up there Blizz!!!