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Powerline Network Adapters for Home AV????? (This is Not Spam)


I’ve been happy with the TP Link Modem that I have now, so I was checkin this out?????

Example -

What do ya reckon?????


Yeah, I know it has only 4 Ports, but maybe link my Mac WiFi, and maybe the HDD Recorder, and have the Receiver/Both TV’s/Apple TV on Cat6?????

What do ya reckon?????

Your alternative, to my made up program?????


Have ya got any links to the Billion One that you’d recommend?????

Or Model #?????


TP Link are pretty good as well. I’ve used them in the past. I’d still give billion the edge but these offer good bang for buck.

The one you’ve linked is only 10/100 rather than a gig. I’d prefer to future proof myself there (especially if you are going to the effort of running cat6)

You still haven’t told me what your current modem is if it has wifi it might do the job with the addition of a switch.

drc13 - 24 July 2013 06:17 PM

TP Link are pretty good as well. I’ve used them in the past. I’d still give billion the edge but these offer good bang for buck.

The one you’ve linked is only 10/100 rather than a gig. I’d prefer to future proof myself there (especially if you are going to the effort of running cat6)

You still haven’t told me what your current modem is if it has wifi it might do the job with the addition of a switch.

Nah, hasn’t got WiFi!!!!!

This is all I use at the mo!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 24 July 2013 06:15 PM

Yeah, I know it has only 4 Ports, but maybe link my Mac WiFi, and maybe the HDD Recorder, and have the Receiver/Both TV’s/Apple TV on Cat6?????

What do ya reckon?????

Your alternative, to my made up program?????

Nearly every SOHO modem/router is only going to have 4 ports even the billions. I’m talking about the 7800 series. ~$150

If you want to hard wire all devices you are going to have to have a switch connected to the router . It would end up with one patch from back of router into the switch. Then fill the remaining 3 ports on the router with devices and any extra devices then connected to the switch.

If you want to stick to just one device as you said you can run the other devices on WIFI.


If you wanna stick with tplink. I’d be looking at these for ~$110. Gigabit is a big step up over 10/100 especially if you plan on transferring large files at any stage.

drc13 - 24 July 2013 06:19 PM
Mizu Kuma - 24 July 2013 06:15 PM

Yeah, I know it has only 4 Ports, but maybe link my Mac WiFi, and maybe the HDD Recorder, and have the Receiver/Both TV’s/Apple TV on Cat6?????

What do ya reckon?????

Your alternative, to my made up program?????

Nearly every SOHO modem/router is only going to have 4 ports even the billions. I’m talking about the 7800 series. ~$150

If you want to hard wire all devices you are going to have to have a switch connected to the router . It would end up with one patch from back of router into the switch. Then fill the remaining 3 ports on the router with devices and any extra devices then connected to the switch.

If you want to stick to just one device as you said you can run the other devices on WIFI.


So if I wanted to just stick with router without the switch, what devices would you go WiFi and what Hardwired?????


Mizu Kuma - 24 July 2013 06:54 PM

So if I wanted to just stick with router without the switch, what devices would you go WiFi and what Hardwired?????

Honestly it’s a bit hard to say without knowing your usage patterns and exactly what each device would do (I’m not sure which devices you will be streaming things like videos between which can be quite intensive).

You want the devices that will be doing the most network intensive tasks to be hard wired.

If I was to take a guess from your list I would wire the MAC and ATV. If you foresee yourself moving recorded tv too/from the HDD recorder that could probably take advantage of it as well.

The other thing to take into account is the distance the device is from the router. If it is further away that makes wifi less desirable than a cabled connection (signal gets weaker)



Sweet, I think I got it sorted now!!!!!

Thanks very muchly for the information!!!!! shaka

Mizu Kuma - 24 July 2013 07:32 PM

Sweet, I think I got it sorted now!!!!!

Thanks very muchly for the information!!!!! shaka

No worries, should be a decent little system when it’s done!

Just make sure you have your splitters/filters sorted when you move the adsl connection from room 1 > room 2


drc13 - 24 July 2013 07:39 PM
Mizu Kuma - 24 July 2013 07:32 PM

Sweet, I think I got it sorted now!!!!!

Thanks very muchly for the information!!!!! shaka

No worries, should be a decent little system when it’s done!

Just make sure you have your splitters/filters sorted when you move the adsl connection from room 1 > room 2
