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Powerline Network Adapters for Home AV????? (This is Not Spam)


Cat6 is going to have higher throughput but depending on how you’re planning on using the network this may be irrelevant.

There’s no reason the power adaptors shouldn’t work in your setup unless you have seperate phases running.

So in the scenario I built above where would you actually “need” to run the power adaptors? If room2 becomes your distro point there’s minimal links to external rooms needed and if you are pulling speaker cable to room3 you may as well pull cat6 (for speaker and network) at the same time.


I have to say that I’d much prefer to have a proper network wired in, but due to laziness/other more important jobs, I’m currently using a D-link powerline adapter with my PS3/Boxee in the lounge room. I have a NAS at the other end of the house which holds all of my movies and music etc, I stream it all through my Boxee. When I was streaming wireless it wasn’t nearly fast enough for larger files, but with the powerline adapter I can stream Full HD movies without an issue at all.

I’ll still install a proper network to the lounge room at some stage, but for the moment it’s doing a perfect job for what I need it for.


Could I use something like this connected to my existing Modem?????


Mizu Kuma - 24 July 2013 03:45 PM

Could I use something like this connected to my existing Modem?????


That’s a pretty shitty switch but yeah sure it would work. Before you start worrying about the network hardware get your plan sorted first then we can work on that.


Yeah, I will run the Modem from Room 2, all Ethernet Cable I’m thinking!!!!!

Avoid use Wireless if I can!!!!! (Just the way I like it)

Keep existing Modem, or ditch it and replace with one that will service all components, plus maybe another 2 in the future?????

What are my options?????

Tills - 24 July 2013 03:44 PM

I have to say that I’d much prefer to have a proper network wired in, but due to laziness/other more important jobs, I’m currently using a D-link powerline adapter with my PS3/Boxee in the lounge room. I have a NAS at the other end of the house which holds all of my movies and music etc, I stream it all through my Boxee. When I was streaming wireless it wasn’t nearly fast enough for larger files, but with the powerline adapter I can stream Full HD movies without an issue at all.

I’ll still install a proper network to the lounge room at some stage, but for the moment it’s doing a perfect job for what I need it for.

So you’ve had no dramas with your setup, mate?????

Mizu Kuma - 24 July 2013 03:52 PM

Yeah, I will run the Modem from Room 2, all Ethernet Cable I’m thinking!!!!!

Avoid use Wireless if I can!!!!! (Just the way I like it)

Keep existing Modem, or ditch it and replace with one that will service all components, plus maybe another 2 in the future?????

What are my options?????

Nice one! Just remember we may need to look into a couple of changes (phone line/filter wise) involved in moving the modem to room2 but I think having the main distro point where the majority of your devices are (reducing the need to run multiple long patch links) is the best way to go.

So how many devices will you have that require hard wiring? There’s arguments for and against all in one modem/router devices they are certainly more space efficient (less devices, powerpacks, patches between etc) One common downside is it’s 1 point of failure but for a home setup it’s probably not a big deal.

Billion makes a good SOHO modem/router (like what we recommended for Jez a while back) but most will only come with 4 ethernet ports in which case you’ll need an additional switch anyway (presuming you’re over 4 devices)

What’s your current modem/router like? does it have wifi? You may not plan on using it vs a hard wire but it is handy having WIFI in the house for for phones/tablets etc.

Mizu Kuma - 24 July 2013 03:54 PM
Tills - 24 July 2013 03:44 PM

I have to say that I’d much prefer to have a proper network wired in, but due to laziness/other more important jobs, I’m currently using a D-link powerline adapter with my PS3/Boxee in the lounge room. I have a NAS at the other end of the house which holds all of my movies and music etc, I stream it all through my Boxee. When I was streaming wireless it wasn’t nearly fast enough for larger files, but with the powerline adapter I can stream Full HD movies without an issue at all.

I’ll still install a proper network to the lounge room at some stage, but for the moment it’s doing a perfect job for what I need it for.

So you’ve had no dramas with your setup, mate?????

Works spot on for me, but it’s a very simple setup. From my modem to the adaptor which is plugged in to one PP, and then at the other end from the adaptor straight into my Boxee. No aditional points or devices etc.


So I would ideally like to have all wired in,

Room 1 - Mac
Room 2 - Smart TV, HDD Recorder WiFi Enabled + Network Capable, Apple TV, AV Receiver WiFi Enabled + Network Capable
Room 3 - Smart TV

And it would be good to have WiFi for Phone/Tablet at hand like ya said!!!!!

* Do I have to/Should I have, all components Hooked up, or can I use these through the Receiver????? Is that possible????? Advantages/Disadvantages?????

Mizu Kuma - 24 July 2013 04:12 PM

So I would ideally like to have all wired in,

Room 1 - Mac
Room 2 - Smart TV, HDD Recorder WiFi Enabled + Network Capable, Apple TV, AV Receiver WiFi Enabled + Network Capable
Room 3 - Smart TV

And it would be good to have WiFi for Phone/Tablet at hand like ya said!!!!!

* Do I have to/Should I have, all components Hooked up, or can I use these through the Receiver????? Is that possible????? Advantages/Disadvantages?????

Nice, and will you be using the power adaptors to link to Room 1 or Room 3 at all?

As for your receiver without knowing what model it is the answer is I don’t know. Of course it will have multiple inputs for Audio/Video (probably via HDMI if it is fairly modern) but I don’t know if it would have multiple ethernet ports?

I suspect you will end up with a Modem/Router + 8 port Gig Switch combo



If I go with the 8 Port Modem/Router combo, I won’t need to use the Powerline Adapters yeah????? Better off running Cat6 Cables to Rooms 1 & 3, yeah?????

Gettin the Marantz NR1603 Receiver!!!!! Had to go Slimline for space!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 24 July 2013 05:07 PM

If I go with the 8 Port Modem/Router combo, I won’t need to use the Powerline Adapters yeah????? Better off running Cat6 Cables to Rooms 1 & 3, yeah?????

Gettin the Marantz NR1603 Receiver!!!!! Had to go Slimline for space!!!!!

The modem/router/switch combo isn’t really related to the powerline adaptors as in my plan the only reason you would use them would be for the room to room links i.e linking 1>2 and 3>2 (so two sets total) Yes cat6 will technically be better (and as I’ve said if you are running speaker cable to room 3 it’s a no brainer to pull some cat6 with it at the same time).

But if it’s a massive pain to wire up Room 1 with a cat6 link then it’s certainly feasible to use the powerline adaptors for that link.

Will look at the AVR now.


Yeah as I suspected it’s just a single network input port on the AVR (to give it internet and streaming capabilities)

You can see the one input here

Networking: AirPlay, DLNA 1.5 certified Audio/Photo Streaming, Internet Radio, Streaming service capability (Pandora/SiriusXM/flickr and Spotify)

So your going to need a switch in the mix (this isn’t a bad thing)


So what’s the recommendations for Modem Options?????

Mizu Kuma - 24 July 2013 05:37 PM

So what’s the recommendations for Modem Options?????

Generally something billion is the way I tend to steer people but what’s your current setup?

Basically you’re going to want something with ADSL2+, at least 1 gig port (but you will probably end up with 4) and wireless N (dual band optional) I like billion because they are generally stable and fast as well as tweakable (you can tweak the SNR for faster connection speeds) and I use things like wake on lan for my HTPC.