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Snowboarding Photography Contest 2013



We will be selecting your 10 best photos for the season and submitting them to the judges. The judges will look at your best 10 photos and judge you collectively based on those 10 photos. This means if you only post three photos, we will only submit three photos to the judges, reducing your chance of winning. If you post 20 photos, we will select your best 10 photos and submit them to the judges. We are looking for photographers who demonstrate skill, consistency in quality, variation in shots, and an eye for lighting and composition.


Winner: The overall winner as picked by the judges will receive $1,500 in prizes. The winner will also be given an opportunity to work with Transfer Snowboard Magazine, including working on a photo shoot plus the opportunity to be mentored by some of the best in the business.

Second Place: The runner up will receive $750 in prizes. The runner up will also receive a two year subscription to Transfer Snowboard Magazine.

Best Edited Photo: This winner will receive $250 in prizes from our sponsors, plus additional Boardworld gear. This prize will be awarded to the photographer who demonstrates the best editing skills while showing the most creativity. The judges will look at your three best edited photos and judge your skills. If you are entering this category, you must clearly state so when you post the photo. You must also use the Boardworld logo in your photo. You can download the Boardworld logo pack here.


<li>Photos must be posted into this thread to be a valid entry.</li>
<li>Please state the title of the photo, where the photo was taken, and the date the photo was taken.</li>
<li>If you want your full name credited, please include your full name with the above details. Please also feel free to supply your Instagram account and website URL.</li>
<li>For information on how to post photos, please click here.</li>


<li>Photos must be from the current 2013 Southern Hemisphere snow season.</li>
<li>This contest is open to any photos taken in the Southern Hemisphere this season (Australia, New Zealand, South America etc). However we will only ship the prizes free of charge to an Australian address. The winner may have to pay additional charges if the postal address is out of Australia.</li>
<li>Winners must provide the original digital photos for proof of date taken.</li>
<li>Winners of the two main prizes are also eligible to win the ‘Best Edited Photo’ prize.</li>
<li>The photographer must be a registered member. Only the photographer can enter their photos.</li>
<li>A maximum of two entries, per photographer, per day. You may enter two photo every day.</li>
<li>By entering this contest, you give permission for Boardworld to post your photos on the Boardworld Facebook page and Instagram page. We will credit your photos accordingly. Please make sure you supply all information for crediting (name, website, Instragram tag etc.).</li>
<li>The contest will run from now until the end of the season (date to be announced).</li>
<li>You can use photos taken since the start of this season.</li>
<li>All prize winners will be selected by a panel of industry judges.</li>
<li>We prefer if you do not use a watermark. Just type the credits below the photo and we will all give credit to the photographer. If you must use a watermark, please make it small and put it in the bottom right corner of the photo.</li>

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions: info(at)


The Serenity, Falls Creek, 08/07/13


Hiking For Freshies, Falls Creek, 08/07/13


Nice mate, Welcome to Boardworld too!
Love the name, frontbum LOL


Title: Bombs Away
Location: Mt. Buller
Date: 9th July 2013
Instagram: @Damiankk

- Damian Kuru


Title: Use What You’ve Got
Location: Mt. Buller
Date: 9th July 2013
Instagram: @Damiankk

- Damian Kuru


Welcome to Boardworld, frontbum and Damian! Looking forward to seeing more from you both. shaka


first 4 shots of the comp and their all bangers!! shaka


Might see if I can take a few this weekend. Hopefully can bring my camera down.

Last trip was rubbish weather and I don’t want to ruin my gear already.


yewww shaka

Time to see some epic photos!!!


Title: “Stay Rad!”
Rider: Mikey Rosalky
Perisher, NSW
27th July 2013


TITLE: Snow Boarder
LOCATION:  Perisher Terrain Park NSW, 28/07/2013
Georgia Matts


RIDER: Justin McKay
LOCATION:  Perisher Terrain Park NSW, 28/07/2013
Georgia Matts


TITLE: Backflip
LOCATION: Perisher Terrain Park, NSW, 28/07/2013
-Georgia Matts


TITLE: Always Doing Airs
RIDER: Kurt Lovegrove
LOCATION: Perisher Terrain Park, NSW, 28/07/2013
-Georgia Matts


Uploaded with

TITLE: Scotty James
LOCATION: Perisher Terrain Park NSW, 31/07/2013
James Kaiser