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TR: The Season Thus Far


Thanks for the TR NBG!!! Always love reading your reports shaka Looking forward to the rest of the seasons happenings smile

I have to agree with you on this one below. Oz Mum must have low standards of adorable!!

NBG - 23 July 2013 03:32 PM

Your mother and I have a significant difference of opinion over what constitutes adorable, I’ve dealt with suicidal rabid bears that are far more adorable than Dylan.

Azz - 23 July 2013 05:05 PM

Thanks for the TR NBG!!! Always love reading your reports shaka Looking forward to the rest of the seasons happenings smile

I have to agree with you on this one below. Oz Mum must have low standards of adorable!!

NBG - 23 July 2013 03:32 PM

Your mother and I have a significant difference of opinion over what constitutes adorable, I’ve dealt with suicidal rabid bears that are far more adorable than Dylan.

Well theres something i have in common with oz mum then LOL


Yes I believe there is this crazy thing called a blind spot where your grand children are concerned!

She thought it was hilarious - the whole house was woken with his Saturday morning antics!


Haha I kinda wish I hadn’t fallen asleep before he called me at 2am.. Wouldn’t have been funny to see how off chops he was!!


he was smashed when he called at like 11pm trying to get us to go out!

I got a funny text at 1.37am but my phone was on silent.


I still can’t believe you had dramas working out how who the text was from today!


I have never called you Samsy… and well I’m sick so there’s that…. downer


missed this photo on the uploads from the pow day with mike and beezer, on a wind lip up the back of smiggs



thats really cool shaka

Azz - 01 August 2013 07:06 PM

thats really cool shaka
