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Lots of snow on the way!


here are a few pics from the weekend.

i forgot how to method…haha hack scratcher

SDV going hard

this is a shot of my mate james…he decided off the back of Mt P wasnt enough hiked here 4 times then back up mt p to us

Warren Chapstick - 30 August 2010 08:35 AM

Good pic’s Finney but would of hated to be in that traffic and K2 good pic’s as well dude nice picture of your mini, the one on top of your car i think you need a bigger car??????

hey chapstick, did you mean mini as in car model? Its a Mazda 3. Small car but plenty big enough. Two of us slept in it at falls creek a few weeks back and was heaps of room to crash the nyt. Im headin to clark rubber to get a matteress cut to size for the back

Banger those pics the snow looks so nice! you just wanna write your tracks all over it!


Great photos guys! So stoked you all scored the pow!

K2…  LOL


you get any shots on friday?


I only had my SLR and I was having too much fun to take it up the hill. My Olympus 10 metre waterproof P+S camera died in 2 feet of water, so I don’t have a small camera at the moment!  mad

rider26 - 31 August 2010 08:45 AM

I only had my SLR and I was having too much fun to take it up the hill. My Olympus 10 metre waterproof P+S camera died in 2 feet of water, so I don’t have a small camera at the moment!  mad

what a great Waterproof camera you have rider confused


I have on of those olympus, too. We had one & its housing failed while out in the surf & we got a replacement. Haven’t had any problems with the 2nd one.


Mine was just out of warranty and they tried to charge me $300 for the repair. I told them to send it back, I’m not paying $300 to repair a camera that didn’t even work in the first place. Out of principle, I’m writing a letter to the Managing Director of Olympus Australia.


If you’re going to write a letter spend a few extra dollars on registered post so that way you are notified that they recieve it and it’s signed for etc so they can’t do the usual corporate thing and say “oh, i’m sorry we don’t have a record of that letter coming in”  wink


Will do. smile


what is this pow you guys are speaking of? ALL I see in the SoHe photo contest thread are park jumps! Let’s see some pow pics!

Gamblor - 01 September 2010 04:10 AM

what is this pow you guys are speaking of? ALL I see in the SoHe photo contest thread are park jumps! Let’s see some pow pics!

I think we were all too busy riding it and not taking photos! I know i was! No such thing as friends on a Pow Day haha


^exactly right K2…

i forgot my camera on the friday and my friend who had one her camera battery died after no time so missed out on most of it. Just waiting on another guy to upload his pics.. depending on how they come out i’ll post a few up in here.


nice, thanks finney. all the rest of you - c’mon, you must have at least cellphone pics???

I’m dying from the heat here! It hasn’t been under 35 degrees in 2 months!


just found these on my phone - pretty average quality though but better than nothing, thanks for the reminder to check it gamblor since i completely forgot about taking these

waiting for lifts to open..

some random shot..

insert standard tourist photo..

looks like the bottom section of rock garden with lower rollercoaster down the bottom