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I regret…....


A thread for stories,photos and videos of regrets you or your mates have had….even if no one else gets into this tread, ive got piles of photos!

I guess its best if i start with one of me before I chuck the mates in it….

“at this stage I began to wonder if backflips were the move for me”.

‘i regret not coming to a decision on whether or not they are really for me, the first time’

’ i regret thinking…3rd time lucky’


mmm i didnt mean to post this thread twice, hopefully the other one gets deleted by the IT Crowd.


depends whether or not your going to hold it against me


I regret letting this guy come to my party

no wait, i changed my mind.

CRACKERS - 30 August 2010 11:25 AM

mmm i didnt mean to post this thread twice, hopefully the other one gets deleted by the IT Crowd.

Closed that duplicate thread for you.


Dunno if this really fits, but I regret staying to watch the third game of Gridiron on Saturday. In the first quarter, a QB fumbled the ball got smashed and didn’t get up. A heap of players went to help and all we saw was them go “WOAH” and walk away without helping. Turns out his leg was straight and his foot was out to the right. OUCH!

Broken Tibia, broken Fibular, dislocated ankle. Ouch town population you bro…

Then to make matters worse, when they were putting him in the ambo, the coach was standing on the drip and it ripped right out of his wrist squirting blood everywhere. Lucky he was jacked up on morphine.

Mizu Kuma - 31 August 2010 12:17 AM
snowcrazy - 30 August 2010 11:22 PM

Then to make matters worse, when they were putting him in the ambo, the coach was standing on the drip and it ripped right out of his wrist squirting blood everywhere. Lucky he was jacked up on morphine.

Like the Flying High scene when the drip gets ripped out, buy the chick playin the guitar????

I’m going to guess you’re referring to a movie that I may be too young to have seen?!


:-D nope! LOL when is it from?! I haven’t even heard of it!


“Have you ever seen a grown man naked”? smile


sports change rooms count don’t they? smile

Mizu Kuma - 31 August 2010 02:26 AM

The 80’s!!! It was titled Airplane! when it was released in the US!!!!

Pretty damn stupid, but worth watchin if ya really bored and can’t think of anythin else to do!!!!

I was born in the 80’s so prob why I havent heard of it!


I was born ‘82 & I know it!


I’ve got all older siblings though (my bro is 9 years older) so thats probably why…


I regret ever trying skiing. I’ll never get that day of my life back - or forget the pain.

Look closely at my twisted torso and inside out knees…..never again!


hahah unlucky


and painful!! Were you able to get up and walk away after that?