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TR: The Season Thus Far


Having had a very fortunate beginning to the season where I have had more time at the snow than not I haven’t had any chance to really log a proper TR.  This thread is the catch up TR which incorporates 4 trips into one.

My first trip for the season was a spur of the moment jobbie, I flicked a quick post up here asking if anyone was keen for a quick midweek trip, Deano took the bait and we pulled the trigger at 4am the next day spurred on by the news that it had snowed enough to actually run the quad at Perisher.

I left my place at around 4am and picked Deano up just off the Hume at Picton Rd about 5ish.  From memory we got into Jindy a bit after 9am where we caught up with Dylan quickly, I had barely enough time to put him off his brekky with a gasous bowel movement before we headed up the hill.  I was pretty sure that this day was me paying it forward for the rest of the season having to deal with drizzling rain the entire day.  With that said both of us enjoyed ourselves that day, it was nice to be riding again regardless.  We rode nothing but the quad that day from memory and filled our runs in fooling around on various natural side hits.

I was trying to find my feet with a new board and boots and to be honest the first couple of runs I was thinking wtf have I done, I shoulda brought the T Rice down.  Thankfully I ended up working the board and the sub par snow out and ended up having a ball.  The end of the day brought with it a dilemma with the potential for complete and utter trip ruination.  A combination of factors none the least of which was the persistent pissing rain and a useless dealer who hadn’t fitted the hard lid pre delivery meant all our camping gear in the back was wet.  The same useless dealer had also failed to fit tow bar pre delivery so I couldn’t drag down chateau NBG either, things were looking dire until Oz came the rescue with the promise of lodging and Ozmum’s. 

We went to the Banjo for dinner but were both way to rooted to be bothered doing anything much after dinner so we went back and crashed out pretty soon after.

The next day was a corker, blue skies and no wind, it wasn’t epic but in comparison to the day before it was a real step up.

The view from the quad in the morning

Looking back down from the quad

Deano and the classic Euro eyejacket polarised numbers he found in an Ebay purchase!

We drove back that arvo, I would have liked to stay on but I was due to finish up with my old employer that Thursday so I needed to be home Wednesday night to get a few things done.  I dropped Deano off about 5ish and got home myself about 90mins after that. Was a good spur of the moment trip, bummed it couldn’t have been longer and I suspect Deano was the same, seeing as how now he’s locked in away from the snow!

I dropped all my work shit off the next day and then the Friday I took the GF with me and we went down to Sutherland to allow the dealer to install the hard lid and tow bar finally.  For some unknown reason it took them 6 hours to do it and we didn’t get out of there till after1pm.  We raced home, threw all our crap in the car, picked up chateau NBG from it’s resting place at my olds and headed back down to Jindy.

We got down there about 9:30 after a fairly uneventful drive, one of my mates was already in Jindy with his GF and staying at the Rydges but was nice enough to come down to the camp ground and give us a hand setting up and have a beer.  We went to bed soon after hoping for a nice day.  Happily in the morning the weather was clear and we headed up to Perisher, as I was with the GF and she’s not far past rank beginner stage I decided to just go to Smiggins which was to put it bluntly, barely open.






After doing like 3 runs walking up the bunny slope on her new board it was quickly decided she needed a lift pass so I went and grabbed one and we set off up the triple chair.  The terrain was quite challenging in that there was some very large patches of bare earth that required some careful negotiation, made more difficult in that I was doing the hand holding thing down the slope whilst riding switch.  Thankfully the stacks and subsequent swearing, name calling and blame game were kept to a minimum.

On the triple with the GF.

My mate and his chick turned up a bit later in the day but were confined to the bunny slope as she’s really just starting out so we didn’t see much of them through the day.  About 1ish we caught up with them and grabbed a bite to eat, the girsl were kkinda beat by then so me and my mate thought we’d have a couple of runs without them.  As we walked away from them and were out of earshot my mate turned to me and said ” thank fcuk, I was starting to go fcuken mental with frustration teaching her, it’s been two days in a row and she seems to have gone backwards!”

We went back down to Jindy after we did a few runs by ourselves, when we got there I decided to get my board waxed, riding over grass patches and constant sideslipping while teaching had worn the factory job completely off.  While in there I made a snap purchase and the GF ended up with brand spanking new Burton Stiletto bindings to replace the old and basic Ride’s she had been dealing with, lucky girl eh?

After that we went back to the Chateau, my mate and his girl were staying with us that night so we had a few bevvies in the sun.

That night we all headed to the Rydges buffet for dinner at the insistence of my mate, I was somewhat disappointed, not exactly blown away by the food to be honest, I would rate it below the Banjo, the Bowlo and the LJ.  We did have a fair stab at the booze and didn’t end up leaving till after 11 from memory.

The following day we went back to Smiggins and I got it in my head I should try the GF out on the Jbars, the runs back down them looked far less difficult in terms of avoiding football fields than the triple chair, that was my reasoning anyway.  After a quick lesson on what to do, to my surprise she managed to get 90% of the way up the Jbar before taking a small tumble.

The GF mastering the Jbar

We head a pretty good day that day and the GF really started to improve, so much so that that afternoon I decided to reward her with her first crack behind the wheel of the Rok!

That night we took it pretty easy, we grabbed a takeaway pizza and retired early to bed and watched a few TV series episodes on the laptop till about 10pm and went to sleep.  I will admit that the series was True Blood, the GF just got into it and I had been watching a fair bit of it as well, make of that what you will I spose!

The next day we went back up to Smigs and the GF was ready to do her first top to bottom run by herself with no assistance.  This came about as she was doing more harm than good to both of us by continuing to hold on, there was a couple of stacks that were purely down to her holding onto me more so than anything else,between that and her killing the Jbar all that morning it was an easy decision.  This was the resulting run, no stacks!


The GF was pretty pleased with herself as was I, we took it pretty easy again that night with dinner at the Banjo from memory and some more True Blood that night in the tent.  The next day the GF elected to take it easy and enjoy some chill time by the lake so I went up by myself.  I did a fair few laps of FV, Goats etc and went over to Mt P for a few runs and did some board destroying over there.  usual story, was probably pretty decent when it first opened but after an hour or so with that little snow on it it really got chopped up and the chopped snow hid some kinda horrible rocks.

I ended up bailing back to happy valley which was frightening, the lift line was like an abortion gone catastrophically wrong, I got so lucky though, as soon as I rocked up a ski instructor at the front called for a single, I was miles back but just yelled YEAH real loud and hammered straight to the front, as soon as we got on we both started laughing.  After that I did a couple more laps of FV then called it and headed back down the hill just after midday.  The benefit of a season pass not feeling like you have to ride from 8:30 till 4:30 everyday or you’re wasting money.

Don’t think we did much at all that night either, the next day I went up and did probably 6 runs, hit the new jump in FV park a few times then decided to hit the road back home.  We got back in good time and I had a few days back at home in my own bed before the next trip 4 days later.

I went back down on the Sunday morning by myself this time around, another mate was heading down later that day but wasn’t going to stay for as long as I wanted to hence the separate cars.  I gave Dylan the snowbum a call as he was down there again and from memory he ended up giving me a hand setting up the chateau and then we went up the hill.  The snow was decent from memory but raining a bit but I think it dried out, my dashboard tells me I rode from 1 until 3 that day and did a decent amount of runs in that time, some of which wason the FV park and thesmall table top jump they had setup there.

Back at the chateau we had a visit from DRC, Dylan and I were a few drinks deep by then so we had a good chat and I showed DRC through the Rok and the feature of most interest to him, the Android driven stereo HU I had recently put in.  After everyone had there showers all 3 of us headed off to the Banjo for dinner, my mate James was just about there so we elected to wait for him before ordering.  He finally turned up and we had a good dinner and proceeded to try to get Dylan messed up, each shout of 3 beers (DRC pulled the pin at 4 ciders from memory and wanted no part in the sozzling that was occurring) was joined by asingle solitary shot of tequila for Dylans consumption.  As funny as it was I regretted it later, Dylan took the rhino raping to a whole new level that night in the chateau.

I don’t remember having a worse sleep in the tent than that night, I had to physically pick Dylan up and throw him back onto his bed to wake him up he was so wasted in an effort to shut him the fcuk up.  After a long and sleepless night we got up the next morning to a cracker day.  This was to turn out to be the best day of riding I have had this season, most of which is caught in this video that I posted up a week or so ago.

None of us could believe our luck that day, middle of school holidays and the fact that the link T Bar and Telemark were closed meant we rode Piper all day with basically no one else there, not once did we wait to get on the Tbar, not once did we have people in our way and for the first 2-3 hours we rode fresh lines without even touching the mini park.  After we trackedit out basically on our own we retired to the mini park and had an awesome time in there as well.

That night we were rooted and I don’t even remember what we did to be honest.  Mercifully everyone was quite that night and I got some sleep.  The following day from memory we did a bit of the whole of Perisher, we even found some fresh between Pleasant Valley and the Interceptor.  We had a good day riding and spent a bit of time back in the piper park as well.  That night was hilarious, I pulled the pin about 9:30pm, James and DYlan went to the LJ for one drink and then staggered into the tent over 4 hours later after 2am.  Apparently this was fuelled by a deep and burning desire on James part to forget a shitty phone call from his GF shortly after I had left James and Dylan to their own devices, Dylan could apprently here the screaming from her end despite being 4ft away from the phone and in the LJ.

The next day I was fine, the other two not so much, Dylan drawing on the exuberance of youth bounced back and came up the mountain with me, James did not.I don’t remember too much about the riding that day suffice to say we had fun.  I think we lasted till about 2ish and then headed back.  We saw James briefly, he was leaving to go get kicked by his significant other a day earlier than expected, that’s a whole other story not worth going into here.  I forgot that the Wednesday night we went to Ozmums for dinner which was awesome, both us were in dire need of a home cooked meal.  Dylan and I rode the Piper Park I think for most of the Thursday morning and then I bailed back home just after lunch.


So I had a couple of days at home and then left on Monday to head back down there with another one of my mates.  We left at 5:30 in the morning and we got down to Jindy a little after 11.  I had spoken with Dylan who was still down there and told him what time we were likely to arrive and that I would call him when we did.  I pretty much forgot to call and Dylan rolled into the campsite anyway close to 12 figuring that was the best place to find us.

We headed up the hill and got on snow just after 1 to see that it was basically raining and unlikely to stop.  A bunch of stuff was closed but Lickarse was open and I think we spent some time there that arvo.  I think we rode for about 2 hours in the rain before calling it quits.  If memory serves and this was the day we did lickarse for some reason I decided it would be a good idea to learn shifty’s, for some reason I bypassed those and went straight to spins.  Anyway this is the result.

That night I think we went to the Banjo for something different and then off to bed.  My mate Adrian was getting over a case of the flu and this time it was him snoring like a muthafcuka.  I’m so over people snoring it’s ridiculous, I might invest in some of those yellow disposable ear plugs for next trip I do with mates, it sucks hard not getting a decent nights sleep.  Either that or one of those dog collars that electrocutes the wearer every time they make a noise over a certain decibel level…....... actually I think thats the winner.

The next day we went bright and early for first lifts as the forecast was for clearing to a partly cloudy day.  It sort of did but the first hour or so was raining and horrible.  We went to lickarse to discover the jump, the only thing of interest was closed, this precipitated a return to front valley and a decision to hit the 30footer.  Dylan and I got off the T bar, skated over and strapped in, I thought fcuk it and went.  Dylan was left with no option so quickly followed ha ha.  We spent the rest of the day pretty much riding the 30 going straight airs with grabs and I went for big surf carves off the side of the 50’s landing and Dylan hit the other side cracking airs onto the landing as the 50 itself was closed.  By the end of the day Dylan decided to throw a back 3 off the 30, the first one he over rotated and fell on the tranny,  the second attempt looked painful, knuckling it and bouncing airborne down the tranny, thankfully he was fine.

That night Dylan took us to BBC, I was interested to see what all the fuss was about.  It wasn’t too bad, it was Tuesday night and $3 tacos were on offer that we hoe’d into, not quite as hard as we hoe’d into the $35 buckets of coronas and pacificos, we had 4 between us in under 90mins.  From there we went to the LJ for a game of pool where I whipped Dylan’s butt and then let him beat Adrian twice, quite amusing.

The next day I’m a bit hazy on, I think we went back to Lickarse and the jump was open again, I remember sucking at three’s either front or back, my skills had totally left me, Dylan landed a few and then I finally landed one back and then one front and we were out for the day.

That night was State of Origin, we started drinking about 3pm from memory, made it to the Banjo for dinner by 6pm and by kick off I was well and trully primed to the loudest bogan in the entire place.  Rip his fcuken head off, kill him, fcuk you ref and the like were my witty repartee between myself and the big screen and anyone else who cared to listen.  I won’t go into the result suffice to say I was pissed off but evidently not as much as Adrian who proceeded to show us a new form of dance now coined “dance angry.”  It was possibly the funniest thing I have seen in a long time, a guy on the dance floor, dancing for all his worth but at the same time glaring at anyone who dared invade his personal space but at the same time trying to find someone to dance with, needless to say it failed spectacularly.

The night dissolved into jaeger bombs, vodka redbulls and other shit I don’t remember.  Being old I ejected myself about midnight and went back to the chateau, I don’t remember any of the walk, according to my gf I rang her and was actually capable of intelligible conversation.  I woke up at 2am needing to relieve myself and discovered Adrian was not there and neither was my phone, I spent about 10mins looking for it when Adrian suddenly rocked up and gave me my phone and promptlyw ent to bed and passed out.

Turns out recounting the night the next day Adrian left his phone at the pub when he left about 1am, got all the way back realised he didn’t have it and walked back.  He then proceeded to tell the bar staff he was a federal cop and there was evidence on the phone and he demanded they find it and return it to him.  Miraculously they did, we will never know if they believed his story or not but it was amusing.  Dylan got a great look into his future that day, by that I mean he got to see just how bad hangovers are when you’re past 30, I don’t think he was impressed.

We went to Nuggets about 11am where I tried to self medicate with shit food and ate 2 quiches lorraines and plain pie and 2 blue powerades, none of which worked.  We then returned to the tent and died for a while before finally getting our shit together, taking one look at the heaving clouds on the mountains and pulling up stumps and heading home.  We even stopped at maccas on the way back and that made us worse!

All in all I had a great time, unfortunately the party has ended and I need to rejoin the real world as I start my new role on Monday.  I will be there next weekend however!


Now that’s a catchup TR!

Good work on teaching the GF and the progress she is making. I’ve heard from others and witnessed it as one of the most testing things on a relationship.

So if I make it up a J-Bar in front of you do I get rewarded with a drive of the Rok?

Kicking myself that I didn’t join you guys over at piper (was riding with my mates who had just arrived) looks like a great day!

You’re selling me short I also had a beer when we went back in to join Ze German girls. I remember the look of shock on your and Dyldo’s face when I skulled it down as we left, massive night by my standards!  LOL


Whoops I totally forgot about the whole german girls thing and all the stories that came out that night, that was hilarious!  How was the station?

NBG - 20 July 2013 09:04 PM

Whoops I totally forgot about the whole german girls thing and all the stories that came out that night, that was hilarious!  How was the station?

Haha well I didn’t go into too much detail as I figured you were being discrete. Put it this way I enjoyed the stories and then enjoyed the glimpse of the master at work!  tongue wink Great/Funny night for sure!

Station was actually al right, we ended up with a nice room, I ended up with the double bed near the tv (so I could watch le tour) and when I wasn’t smashing the buffet we were eating Brazilian Churasco in Thredbo. As I said though kicking myself I didn’t split when I got Dylans message about Piper Pow.

I only have 2 more Saturdays in August booked there with the same group of friends (RPS, 4ce_full etc) any other days I come down I’ll be at the same camp grounds and plan on tagging a long with the chateau boys again when possible.


Ha ha well I have nothing to be worried about, was fun trying to get you and Dylan to have a crack ha ha!

I haven’t been to the station for about 17 years glad you scored a decent room, when I was there I was in a dorm style room.  I’ll be trying to go down all weekends tat look half decent so we’ll run into each other again in the camp ground I reckon!

NBG - 20 July 2013 09:16 PM

Ha ha well I have nothing to be worried about, was fun trying to get you and Dylan to have a crack ha ha!

I haven’t been to the station for about 17 years glad you scored a decent room, when I was there I was in a dorm style room.  I’ll be trying to go down all weekends tat look half decent so we’ll run into each other again in the camp ground I reckon!

Haha no you handled yourself most admirably, I did my usual go into my shell trick and I swore Dylan was going to spew Tequila all over the hot one the way he was rocking. I’m pretty sure Beezy was giving it the teacherboy

Nice one, well I’m pretty sure you can see the rok, jeep and chateau from the moon and there’s not many Octavia’s driving around there so we’ll stand out.


Hahaha you truly are the king of the TR, my good man.

Really hope i get to ride with you and Dyldo again this season.


If you think that you saw me drink during that time you shouldve seen me yesterday, start at 10am, go to wild brumby distillery at around lunch and consume a shot of each of their schnapps, back to the h0z house and continued drinking until i left at around 5.30pm, then a brief stopover at OZ residents to get changed, then it was on for young and old at the LJ, met up with some locals i know, we then went to banjos around midnight and found someone had just been glassed in the foyer so we walked straight in through another entrance because everyone was tied up elsewhere, memory goes abit hazy after that point. i can remember some antics which are quiet well sum’d up buy some txt msgs i sent out and phone calls i made LOL , finally came home (oz residents) at around 5am, jumped on everyone who arrived that night as i promised i would if they didnt come out, then apparently undressed down to my undies in the corner of the dinning room next to the bird cage and loitered around until dan said some thing along the lines of “mate its 5.30 am” and i responded “shit aye, better go to bed” LOL
Top day/night/17 hours drinking thumbsup LOL


Hahaha you sir, are a menace.


Haha he was some what civilized when I dropped him back at ozs about 5:30/6pm..

still haven’t tried my schnapps yet!

but I did get a few 1:20am texts and a 1:50am phone call that I had just fallen asleep and slept through! Lol

deanobruce - 21 July 2013 09:55 AM

Hahaha you sir, are a menace.

Yes he is a menace!

He is bloody lucky my mum thinks he is adorable!!!


Your mother and I have a significant difference of opinion over what constitutes adorable, I’ve dealt with suicidal rabid bears that are far more adorable than Dylan.


Well yes thankfully the brick wall that separates dylan and I normally (except when he is drink at 5.30am!!) means I don’t cop an earful!