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Things that suck


There is like 12 within about 50 meters of my work…

TJswish - 18 July 2013 11:34 AM

There is like 12 within about 50 meters of my work…

Thats why they suck… cause they are everywhere.
Have a look at George Street Sydney where the cinemas are.
There are about 5 in that block alone, with another one being built as we speak.
Sure the products might be tasty, but why shove the stuff into our face with a store every 10 metres?

ozgirl - 18 July 2013 11:31 AM
blizzard_22 - 18 July 2013 10:30 AM
ojisan - 18 July 2013 08:54 AM

Yoghurt stores.. they are popping up everywhere these days.
They suck big time rage

I’m stoked about this! I was addicted to Yoghurtland and Pink Berry in the states. Then I saw Yoghurtland is finally coming to Canberra sometime this month. Seriously made my year!

How have I not seen one?

i haven’t seen one either. Yoghurt stores. Seriously?

Sneaky trip this weekend? If there’s enough snow it won’t be sneaky, it will be on like donkey kong, bells and whistles and all the hoopla!!!!

TJswish - 18 July 2013 11:34 AM

There is like 12 within about 50 meters of my work…

Pfft I don’t socialise with the rif raff at that end of town! tongue laugh

I am with the white collar people at the other end! (when I am in the city that is!

ojisan - 18 July 2013 12:03 PM
TJswish - 18 July 2013 11:34 AM

There is like 12 within about 50 meters of my work…

Have a look at George Street Sydney where the cinemas are.

(That’s where I work. Hahaha)


I get off the bus there every morning.
There was one that opened up last week, or the week before & was advertising a freebee opening special.
at 7.30 in the morning of the day it opened, there were people lined up with the line almost past the kfc.
Ruddy Cheapskates..


I got a free coffee this morning due to new place opening. No line at all lol



So much hate for you right now TJ rage

TJswish - 18 July 2013 12:12 PM
ojisan - 18 July 2013 12:03 PM
TJswish - 18 July 2013 11:34 AM

There is like 12 within about 50 meters of my work…

Have a look at George Street Sydney where the cinemas are.

(That’s where I work. Hahaha)

Do you make the Popcorn?????

Mizu Kuma - 18 July 2013 02:25 PM
TJswish - 18 July 2013 12:12 PM
ojisan - 18 July 2013 12:03 PM
TJswish - 18 July 2013 11:34 AM

There is like 12 within about 50 meters of my work…

Have a look at George Street Sydney where the cinemas are.

(That’s where I work. Hahaha)

Do you make the Popcorn?????

Thats what I initially thought… or is the one with the pencil thin flashlight directing folks to their seats


Having cheap as chips accom in a van/annex lined up in Jindy in 2 weeks time for a week but then owner deciding he wants to go down that week!!

Station it is I guess..

blizzard_22 - 18 July 2013 02:09 PM

So much hate for you right now TJ rage


Tambo - 18 July 2013 07:42 AM

When The, What The!!!!! ?????

When the bejesuses did a “∙” become a “×”?????

Was I asleep in that class, or did I wag that whole subject altogether?????

ojisan - 18 July 2013 01:12 PM

I get off the bus there every morning.
There was one that opened up last week, or the week before & was advertising a freebee opening special.
at 7.30 in the morning of the day it opened, there were people lined up with the line almost past the kfc.
Ruddy Cheapskates..

Free is free…

ozgirl - 18 July 2013 04:21 PM
blizzard_22 - 18 July 2013 02:09 PM

So much hate for you right now TJ rage