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Rick0889 - 17 July 2013 09:18 AM

Snow doesn’t look too good for this weekend!!!

It looks shithouse on the Cams!!!!!

Top of the mountain looks the worst!!!!!


Although they are callin up to 30cm at low levels by Sunday!!!!!

Monday will be the go for sure!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 17 July 2013 09:27 AM

Although they are callin up to 30cm at low levels by Sunday!!!!!

Monday will be the go for sure!!!!!

I’ve been reading possibly even more! (though whatever base we currently have is going to cop a pounding from the rain)

Definitely agree early/mid next week looks like the pick at this stage.

drc13 - 17 July 2013 11:12 AM
Mizu Kuma - 17 July 2013 09:27 AM

Although they are callin up to 30cm at low levels by Sunday!!!!!

Monday will be the go for sure!!!!!

I’ve been reading possibly even more! (though whatever base we currently have is going to cop a pounding from the rain)

Definitely agree early/mid next week looks like the pick at this stage.

I thought that the worst of the rain has passed already, and only showers before the Snow?????

I don’t think that the snowpack could even get much worse than it already is anyways????? Hahahaaa!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 17 July 2013 11:15 AM

I thought that the worst of the rain has passed already, and only showers before the Snow?????

I don’t think that the snowpack could even get much worse than it already is anyways????? Hahahaaa!!!!!

I haven’t checked today but I’d read rain heavy at times up until Friday when hopefully it changes to wettish snow.

Yeah you’re not wrong it was actually alright fun early last week but as the week got on it was getting pretty bare (in non man made areas) I wouldn’t like to see it now.

My brand new board is pretty much reduced to a rock hopper now the base and edges were destroyed over the week.

drc13 - 17 July 2013 11:22 AM
Mizu Kuma - 17 July 2013 11:15 AM

I thought that the worst of the rain has passed already, and only showers before the Snow?????

I don’t think that the snowpack could even get much worse than it already is anyways????? Hahahaaa!!!!!

I haven’t checked today but I’d read rain heavy at times up until Friday when hopefully it changes to wettish snow.

Yeah you’re not wrong it was actually alright fun early last week but as the week got on it was getting pretty bare (in non man made areas) I wouldn’t like to see it now.

My brand new board is pretty much reduced to a rock hopper now the base and edges were destroyed over the week.

From what the BOM are sayin, it’s only Isolated Showers and Areas of Rain late, so hopefully it doesn’t impact that much?????

Yeah, from lookin at the cams at Thredders, you can see massive patches of dirt at high levels!!!!! Not a great start to this season and hopefully not the pattern for the rest of it either?????

* Although it wont impact me, as it’s lookin as though this will be my first season down under where I don’t go for a shred!!!!!


And the weather boffins are commenting on how wrong BOM have it!

This morning was a significant downgrade… and increases liquid snow.

Ah the roller coaster of the aussie alps!

We just have to watch and wait!!

Mizu Kuma - 17 July 2013 11:28 AM

From what the BOM are sayin, it’s only Isolated Showers and Areas of Rain late, so hopefully it doesn’t impact that much?????

Yeah, from lookin at the cams at Thredders, you can see massive patches of dirt at high levels!!!!! Not a great start to this season and hopefully not the pattern for the rest of it either?????

* Although it wont impact me, as it’s lookin as though this will be my first season down under where I don’t go for a shred!!!!!

Yeah I’m going by what the weather nerds over at the other forum are saying (I have to admit they do seem to know what they are talking about)

I still enjoy riding in oz (though as you well know it’s got nothing on Japow) but gees the snow dances/weather watching the whole season get tiring!

drc13 - 17 July 2013 11:31 AM

I still enjoy riding in oz

I could never go 12 mths between slides!

And OS is not always an option every year (though you wouldn’t know it looking at my track record haha!)

So I will always be loyal to Aus. Even without my family situation!


BOM is looking a little more promising this afternoon!


I hope it just doesn’t rain like last Sunday


You’ll be right for this Sunday!.

its Friday that is the worry!

I will prob snow in Jindy this sunday!


expecting alot of rain tomorrow but hope the snow plus the guns gets a bit of cover on them patches


Think this weekend is going to turn into a round of golf now


Should be snow by Sunday!!!!!

Along with Crowds, Wind, and Poor Visibility!!!!!

But there will be fresh white stuff on the ground!!!!!