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Things that suck


ahoy peeps, there are things in this world that are generally quite shit and therefore suck.
Use this thread to list your things that you believe to suck and we can all discuss there lameness
*please no hilarious dad joke posts of vacuum cleaners and other such things.

Ill kick it off with SEEDS IN GRAPES!!
Grapes are reasonably small by nature, why the hell we continue to spend our hard earned coin to buy something soo small that 3/4 of it is taken up by a seed boggles my mind, but i continue to do so. Ive tried every method i can think of to get around the horrible feeling of biting into a grape seed to no avail. It doesnt matter how careful you are, you can try and eat around it and think its safe to pop the last remaining morsal in your mouth but then in some extra F#$k you from the grape, its hidden twin seed sibling is still hiding in there ready to ruin your day as close your chompers down.
Come on scientists, GM the hell outta these bad boys, and banish seeds from my lunchtime fruit salad!!



Warren Chapstick and his Snapchats


A fooking men to that K2…  michelle


All fruit Seeds in General!!!!!

I’m not gonna discriminate like Trent does!!!!!

Cause Discrimination Sucks!!!!!

K2_TeacherBoy - 16 July 2013 01:11 PM

Warren Chapstick and his Snapchats

He’s got a thing for filmin his mate in the shower!!!!!

What the fucks up with that?????


Why not eat seedless grapes??

Mizu Kuma - 16 July 2013 01:48 PM
K2_TeacherBoy - 16 July 2013 01:11 PM

Warren Chapstick and his Snapchats

He’s got a thing for filmin his mate in the shower!!!!!

What the fucks up with that?????

Yeh I know I’m sick of seeing naked dudes and him takin shits haha


Rain *sigh*


Meh - it is some what of a necessary evil!

I could do without “high’s” or warm weather in winter…


I love the rain!!!!!


Cause WIND Sucks!!!!!


I hate waiting for my tax to arrive in my account, just pay me already!!!

blizzard_22 - 16 July 2013 02:27 PM

I hate waiting for my tax to arrive in my account, just pay me already!!!

That belongs in the CAN’T FRIGGEN WAIT Thread!!!!!


I hate waiting for my accountant to do mine!


blizzard_22 - 16 July 2013 02:04 PM

Rain *sigh*

:( yep


I don’t mind the rain… and I ride a motorbike.

Heat. Like summer heat. That sucks.

At least I can skip all that junk this year!

You know what also sucks. People on facebook whinging about the cold, then all throughout spring they are like “I can’t wait for summer” and then when it comes, they cry that it’s too hot…

Make up your mind!

TJswish - 16 July 2013 02:36 PM

I don’t mind the rain… and I ride a motorbike.

To put Blizz complaint into context I think she is talking about the mountains…

But as I said something needs to fall out of the sky for us to get snow!