The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Ask the person below you a question.


I reckon it is still called a spring clean

subject at school you chose not to study - but wish you had?


Design and Technology

Which city in the world do you most want to visit?

Mizu Kuma - 31 August 2010 12:20 AM
snowcrazy - 30 August 2010 11:16 PM

Probably… but only cause you forced him to go with you wink LOL

Yeah!!! But only because you suggested it!!!  hmmm

I can still hear your screams from the rooms…...

cords - 31 August 2010 01:57 AM

subject at school you chose not to study - but wish you had?

hmm high school was too long ago so I will assume uni instead smile

Looking back I would not have minded doing an economics major….did some economics subjects as part of my degree, and I now find the “in and outs” of economics much more interesting….

Subjects you did study and wish you hadn’t?

kort - 31 August 2010 02:16 AM
Mizu Kuma - 31 August 2010 12:20 AM
snowcrazy - 30 August 2010 11:16 PM

Probably… but only cause you forced him to go with you wink LOL

Yeah!!! But only because you suggested it!!!  hmmm

I can still hear your screams from the rooms…...

AHHHH Kelly Clarkson (Mizu I am hoping you have seen the 40yr old virgin!)

Back on track, city I want to visit, VEGAS!

What is your dream job?


Hell yeah!! Although its been a few years since I saw it smile

Re: Justin Bieber, would you kill him straight away or torture him first?


Grease Soundtrack fo shizzle!

Do you rate The Sound Of Music?


Not really…

Which city in the world would you most like to visit?


dubai looks the most interesting atm

who would you bone first

Angelina Jolie or Heidi Klum


Angelina I reckon provided she is not showing any baby bump (or evidence of a yeast infection or worse raspberry)

what snowboard gear would you NOT buy online?


The hills are alive, with the sound of Mizuuuuuu…

Butter all the way. Have you seen margarine being made? That shit is black before they add the yellow colouring!  sick

After your last day of the snow season, do you wish for summer to hurry up and come at the expense of those that may still be snow bound?


no way!! i hate sumer!!! it gets way to got and i hate hot!

how is your day?


not too bad - am off work sick having a quiet day although i managed to do some work still!!

headcheese - would you eat it?


head cheese, what is this head cheese you speak of?!?! but no probably not


nope. YAY no glassers!!! LOL does mizu need them??

do bugs creep you out??