The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive

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What’s your favourite TV show?

Family Guy
American Dad



Just pulled the cable TV.
Only local stations again.
It’s summer here and there’s not much on.
I prefer not having a TV anyway.
Once the shows come back on come August, I’m sure we will get it again.


At the moment Flight of the Conchords is hilarious to me, Scrubs, NCIS (can’t wait for the next season of that here…), and then most (not all) of the usual Family Guy, South Park, Simpsons etc…is anyone else here as obsessed with Masterchef as the rest of my family seems to be? I just fail to see how they could get so into it…its just food…


I have to agree - Flight of the Conchords is classic!!  Two and a Half Men and That 70’s Show round out the top 3.

cmat - 17 June 2009 12:09 AM

entourage for sure

WERRRD. and lost.


Man there are some good ones out at the moment, my picks of the bunch would have to be:

Friday Night Lights
Flight Of The Conchords
Family Guy
American Dad
South Park


Boston Legal - incredibly well written and so up to date with current affairs (well until it finished)
Entourage - always make me laugh
Damages - both seasons 1 and 2 had me on the edge of my seat
Dexter - very quirky and original
NCIS - Ziva is very pleasant to look at grin


Did anyone see Flight of the Conchords on Monday night?  Funniest ever!


I quite like Dexter also very original and well done.

Smurfette - 08 July 2009 08:30 AM

Did anyone see Flight of the Conchords on Monday night?  Funniest ever!

The sbs one or the 10 one? cos both were funny as raspberry

“my name’s keitha - its like keith, but with an ‘a’ on the end…I was named after me dad…”

great Aussie stereotype bashing, which is almost good to get back cos we do give the kiwi’s quite a bit raspberry


Entourage is back on. smile


Anyone seen the HIMYM season finale yet??


Want to know what the boys think.



My fav TV show is Gourmet Farmer. SBS 8:00pm on Thursdays smile


Wasn’t a massive fan of the episode, pretty glad to see the finale though.

Marshall wouldn’t lie to Lilly like that, Ted is still planning to move etc, not sure whats going to happen.