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What annoys you most in lift lines.

bones - 29 August 2010 07:21 AM

yeah great for every one but me… i was walking like i’d had a big night at mardi gras for the next 3 days.

Tust me, he KNOWS what it’s like trying to walk after a big night at the mardi gras…  wink

Tills - 29 August 2010 09:29 AM
bones - 29 August 2010 07:21 AM

yeah great for every one but me… i was walking like i’d had a big night at mardi gras for the next 3 days.

Tust me, he KNOWS what it’s like trying to walk after a big night at the mardi gras…  wink

Only from hearing the stories you came home with!


... and it certainly explains the night he burst into the living room after we’d crashed on his couch waiving a rubber d!ldo around crying out -  “OH BOYYYYYYYYYS! SURPRIIIIIIIISE!”  big surprise

Must be a NSW thing tongue rolleye


I’m afraid that I can only pass judgment on my previous encounters with those from across the border.

I stand to be corrected though!

Mizu Kuma - 30 August 2010 07:08 AM
Empire - 30 August 2010 07:03 AM

... and it certainly explains the night he burst into the living room after we’d crashed on his couch waiving a rubber d!ldo around crying out -  “OH BOYYYYYYYYYS! SURPRIIIIIIIISE!”  big surprise

Must be a NSW thing tongue rolleye

Hey, wait just a minute there Empire!!!!!! I’m from NSW and we don’t just go burstin into any room unannounced like that!!!!!

hahaha… he would have knocked first for sure!


Lets just put it down to being knackered after spending the whole weekend from before first to after last lifts on the slopes smile




funny thread.
i always keep an eye on the skier behind me in line. if they get too close I put my back foot right in front of their ski. That seems to stop them - it’s ok for them to be right on top of a board, but hitting someone in the foot seems to be different. If that doesn’t stop them then I pretend that I’m not looking and stomp down hard on the curvy tip of their ski. The trouble is most skiers don’t seem to care about their equipment. Telling them don’t touch my board usually works too.

I will always tell someone who tries to smoke on the lift to forget about it, if they don’t want to get thrown off!

In Japan, lifties just stand around doing nothing - no slowing down the chair for you, no organizing people into 3’s and 4’s. There’s always singles on quads etc - it’s so frigging annoying when it’s busy!


well, once you’ve said it, if they do it again you have a valid reason to get angry at them since they are obviously doing it on purpose. If some kid drew pics in the snow on the tail of my board I would grab his pole and chuck it as far as I could!


i find my stress level in lineups is quite lower when I’m on an older board though raspberry
d’oh this year I have a new board ....


I’ll just carry it in my arms and strap in real slow when i get to the front of the queue


everytime someone says moron I think of this pic now