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The NBA Thread


Hahahaha my bad. He sooooo would have went back to Cleveland

deanobruce - 21 June 2013 05:41 PM

Hahahaha my bad. He sooooo would have went back to Cleveland

Pfftt Cav’s and cav’s fans wouldnt take lebron back!! They’d murder him for leaving to begin with!


LBJ got MVP….c’mon! Wade all the way in that series.

Game 6 Lebron was arguing calls until he made it in to the second half then scored like a boss.

Game 7 LBJ Arguing calls again ... Wade’s game was so so so clean.

Wade started off a bit slack in the series but made up for it in the later games. Real shame do be a shadow all the time. Stern always wants the money earners up the front, good business.

surferguy56 - 21 June 2013 05:44 PM
deanobruce - 21 June 2013 05:41 PM

Hahahaha my bad. He sooooo would have went back to Cleveland

Pfftt Cav’s and cav’s fans wouldnt take lebron back!! They’d murder him for leaving to begin with!

Honestly, i think they would forget errything and welcome him back. Just cause its LBJ


Looks like Doc Rivers is on his way to the Clippers in a 3-year, $11 million deal.

Kevin Garnett might be joining him over there too.

rider26 - 24 June 2013 02:01 PM

Looks like Doc Rivers is on his way to the Clippers in a 3-year, $11 million deal.

Kevin Garnett might be joining him over there too.

This might be real?


I have been following this with a keen eye (for obvious reasons). The league may well block any trade of KG after this because in their eyes they are linked. And you can’t trade players and coaches in one go*

There are rumours Pierce could well follow aswell if he isnt amnestied.

*over simplified the situation but that is the gist of it


I don’t think trading KG for DeAndre, Bledsoe, and draft pick is a good deal for Clips. KG’s bound to retire pretty soon. Bledsoe is a good young player, and DeAndre brings energy and excitement too.


DeAndre also has a stupid contract and is replaceable.

KG retires soon which brings cap space to keep CP3 and Griffin.

I think its a decent move for both teams tbh.


Yeh Clips want to compete NOW


KG brings unmatched defence and fires up the whole team to defend as well. He’s won a title, he knows the game inside-out. Just look what a 37-year-old Tim Duncan did these finals. Add KG to the Clips and they are a genuine contender.


Ya but you will only get 1 maybeee 3 years out of KG, I just thought spending the money for the future of the team seems better. But ya I agree DeAndre is replaceable.


Maybe I just don’t like KG hahah


So, now that Doc is gone, KG and Peirce on the chopping block while Rondo is injured so they can tank to a Lottery pick for next years “Strong” draft?