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Just taking a break from my favourite OB zone at Mt P… It’s nearly 2pm and all of 5 other tracks out there…. The walk back is tiring by worth every minute. Sdv hit some mad pow lips and has claimed this as her best day of riding ever in OZ!
Great stuff Banger! Enjoy your weekend. I’m still buzzing from yesterday.
Haha yeah I had a couple of Red Bulls on the way home. Buzzing from pow pow though!
buzzing…. i just got home and am still buzzing….. did drink a monster and had a double shot coffe at gloria jeans in jindy (i dont drink coffee either)
How was your weekend?
Epic…. Will post more tonight… Gotta go to work now
That pretty much summed it up in a word! Epic weekend was Epic.
And I’m absolutely shattered…. best snow I’ve ever seen/ridden in aus
yeah I’m devo too, Mizu :-( hopefully the forecast improves throughout the week. It does that sometimes!
Here are some pics of digging out my car from T3 carpark at buller after being there from Saturday to Friday.
Not as bad as the those ones at Hotham, but took a while to dig it out. Luckily i was one of the last cars in the carpark so there was no cars next to me and their snow had been cleared.
No, im not a midget as it may look in this photo, short maybe…lol. My car was just already parked on snow layers before it got dumped on.
got one door out!
Drawing my car on my car (badly haha)
We took the typical imature guy thing of drawing a penis on the window, and made a massive one on the roof! Wanted to drive back into town with it like this but was told the boys in blue were booking ppl with snow on their roofs.
Rider26, let me know if u want this pic taken off haha, but after seeing the gimp photos i thought i mite put it up.
ok so finally some time for a write up..
Friday, what can i say.. best snow I’ve ever seen in aus and was having flashbacks of whistler from time to time. Hung out around Blue Cow all day, hit up rock garden a bunch of times, nice little drop at the top then some nice open space for some big carves followed by a nice rock jump, more open space and then through the trees. Much fun had by all and was walking with a bit of a limp by the end of the day (knee was a bit average but sorted itself out with some rest and some voltaren) but all worth it and seeing the huge smiles on everyones face all day was awesome. Vis wasn’t great as you can see by the pic below that a friend snapped (yes i’m the one having my way with the sign hahaha) but out the back there was next to no wind so it was tops.
Saturday was blue bird, perfect weather but the snow did get a bit crusty. Worst part of the day wasn’t the lift ques, which were insane but was the hour it took to go from the station to cherri cherri pow pow and then to the tube (left the station just after 7 so we were reasonably early getting out of there). Even recieved an email stating fro perisher stating “NSW Alpine Resorts Apologise for Jindabyne Traffic Delays and Ask Residents and Visitors to Demand the NSW Government Urgently Fix Jindabyne Traffic Gridlock.” which pretty much sums up the situation. But when you’re riding with a great group of people you can’t complain..
Sunday was another perfect blue bird day, little bit of cloud towards the end but couldn’t complain. Great cover and rode pretty much the whole of perisher resort. Started off with ridge chair again which cemented it’s place as my favourite part of the resort followed by the trek back to leichardt to do some laps through the park and grab some video for a mate, then back to pleasant valley for some fun off the natural features and mount perisher. Mount P as always was covered by moguls at the end followed up by a run off the olympic T-Bar at the end. Haven’t ridden that T-Bar since 1995 on a year 6 ski trip so was stoked to get out there with a mate from whistler who is instructing in perisher this season. Nice little drop off the side with a few turns followed by a big traverse around the face to find a huge section of untouched sweetness which just topped off a magic weekend.
Good pic’s Finney but would of hated to be in that traffic and K2 good pic’s as well dude nice picture of your mini, the one on top of your car i think you need a bigger car??????
Here are some pics of digging out my car from T3 carpark at buller after being there from Saturday to Friday.
Not as bad as the those ones at Hotham, but took a while to dig it out. Luckily i was one of the last cars in the carpark so there was no cars next to me and their snow had been cleared.
No, im not a midget as it may look in this photo, short maybe…lol. My car was just already parked on snow layers before it got dumped on.
got one door out!
Drawing my car on my car (badly haha)
We took the typical imature guy thing of drawing a penis on the window, and made a massive one on the roof! Wanted to drive back into town with it like this but was told the boys in blue were booking ppl with snow on their roofs.
Rider26, let me know if u want this pic taken off haha, but after seeing the gimp photos i thought i mite put it up.
HAHA OMFG!!!! lolable!!!!! awsome!!!! WOW !!!!! woot!!!!! haha yer thats cool stuff
Good pic’s Finney but would of hated to be in that traffic and K2 good pic’s as well dude nice picture of your mini, the one on top of your car i think you need a bigger car??????
luckily the traffic was made a lot easier to deal with thanks to the pulp fiction soundtrack