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Rob did you have a second interview?
Rob did you have a second interview?
No, unlike a few people I only had my one and only interview last December. However, I did bug the shit out of them with emails and phone calls on a weekly basis…
my contact said i had until June 7th to give him an answer and i said “Yes” on June 4th or June 3rd but i still havn’t heard back from him. I am now worried :(
Tickets are getting more expensive by the day and i dont know if I got the volunteering position or not for the August Four Nations Tournament
I just got this email:
Removed my massive post since it was re-posted at the bottom of this page
I would think that is a good sign they are interested. Did you already have a picture on file?
Edit: And I just recieved the same email a few minutes ago.
I got it too.
I already amended my image…
But if its going to be my accreditation I might double check I am happy with my photo LOL
I think my passport details is okay… I suppose I should check
Looks like a pretty mass email. I’ll update mine I guess. Pretty sure passport details are fine though (I would have done that properly when applying.)
Looks like a pretty mass email. I’ll update mine I guess. Pretty sure passport details are fine though (I would have done that properly when applying.)
Of course.
I actually thought there was more requirements list about the passport… i didn’t read the whole email - i will when I can take a minute to check details.
I was thinking they were going to be saying make sure there is at least 6mths validility post games date etc.etc
Dear Candidate,
Please, make sure that your photo and your passport information in your personal volunteer cabinet meets all the requirements(given below). Do it as soon as you can, please.
If your candidacy will be approved at the Olympic and/or Paralympic Games Sochi 2014, the picture will be included in your accreditation. Accreditation - is a supporting document to the Olympic venues during the Games. Your photo must meet all the requirements of the basic documents of identification (passport, driving license). If your photo in your personal cabinet does not meet necessary requirements (or if you haven’t downloaded your photo yet), please do replace your photo till June, 30 2013.
If you have a new passport or there are discrepancies between the data in the application and passport data or data in the application did not correspond to the requirements, please send the correct data to the following format:
1) Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Date of Birth
2) New or correct data.
You must check your photograph and download it in your personal cabinet YOURSELF. Please do not answer this letter, just make sure your photo meets all necessary requirements and download a new photo if it doesn’t. Your new photo will be checked again. If you don’t change your photo or your new photo doesn’t meet the requirements, we will contact you again.
The Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee
Passport data requirements
In your application form you must give us the information about the passport you are going to take with you to the Olympic Games. Notice: your name, middle name, and last name must be exactly as they are in your passport. Shortened forms not acceptable.
There must be no gaps in your passport number.
Photo Requirements
Your photo must be:
1) In color
2) picture in jpg or jpeg format, sized up to 512Kb
min. width 420 pixels,
min. height 525 pixels.
3) Taken in front of a plain white or off-white background (up to 18% of grey or blue-grey tone)
4) Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
5) With a neutral facial expression and both eyes open
6) Do not wear a hat or head covering that obscures the hair or hairline, unless worn daily for a religious purpose. Your full face must be visible, and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face.
7) If you normally wear prescription glasses, a hearing device or similar articles, they may be worn for your photo. Dark glasses or non-prescription glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable unless you need them for medical reasons (a medical certificate may be required)
8) Glare on glasses is not acceptable in your photo. Glare can be avoided with a slight downward tilt of the glasses or by removing the glasses or by turning off the camera flash.
9) The editing of the digital image is not acceptable
There are also some extra requirements for a photo.
1) Taken within the last year to reflect your current appearance
I just got the same email and I am sure it’s a good sign I hope….THOUGHTS
2) For men: growing a beard or moustache would be considered a significant change of appearance.
3) The image must be a plain rectangle (no cut off corners are possible)
4) Photos in which the face of the person being photographed is not in the focus will not be accepted.
5) there must be no other people, animals, plants or other objects on your photo.
6) In general, the head of the applicant, including both face and hair, should be shown from the crown of the head to the tip of the chin on top and bottom, and from hair line side-to-side. After downloading there must be no extra white space.
7) There must be some space between the top of the head (hair) and the upper edge of the photo.
8) There must be no extra shades or lights.
9) Your photo must be a digital image from the very beginning. Scanning an existing photo is not acceptable. If you scan a photo, the requirements are very strict. The brightness should be normal. There are must be no other images (notes, stamps, holograms)
I think I can Shea’s some light on the subject. I have been working in the volunteer office in Moscow doing the Skype interviews for English speaking volunteers. Up until this last test event, there have not been any international volunteers. The head of the VC needed to include international volunteers to see how long it will take to get visas for those requiring one. Living in Russia , you become aware of how long and complicated it takes to do things. When I order water, I get a document consisting of 8 pages. You can imagine the visa process paperwork. The other unfortunate thing is that the only person able to complete the forms is the head of the international VC.
Not everyone will get 2 interviews. Only those in special areas may get a second or third interview. If you have not had your 1st interview by July 15 , don’t count on being invited. If you received a generic email stating that your status had been updated and you didn’t change anything on your applications, chances are it means your interview results have been sent on to the head of the area you were interviewed for.
I hope this has been helpful and as I hear and get approval from the press corp to give more information , I will post more.
Thank you for providing us with the information! There appears to be a lot of information being posted online that is incorrect. (not here of course) I’m going to send you a DM with a few questions as well. Thanks again!
Thanks so much for that update Lomsgilbert!
Rob, lets us know if you get any answer to the questions you send!
Thanks so much for that update Lomsgilbert!
Rob, lets us know if you get any answer to the questions you send!
Sadly, I have nothing new to report…
Keep the faith everyone!
Almost the end of July, but I guess no news is better than “not selected” news.
I honestly hope they tell us something in the next couple of weeks.
Most recent update for those who applied for Sochi. Invitations are supposed to go out by end of August. They are doing a small trial run for international visas for the 4nations sledge hockey tournament in August. Only 5international volunteers were invited. The difficult part at the moment is vacation time. Luckily 2of us have visas already.
I have been told that the accommodation will be in hotels for this test event but in apartments for the games. I will try to post how things are progressing when I can.