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Federal Election 2013


It must be seriously depressing for Gillard that she’s running out of gullible leftards to con with her desperate ploys. Although she managed to dupe quite a few with her previous “misogyny” rants, only the monumentally braindead are still falling for it.



chucky - 07 May 2013 06:47 PM

The biggest injustice regarding the NBN, is that as the whole thing was designed as a hugely expensive vote buying exercise from its inception, traditional ‘Labor heartland’ areas were to be connected first - so when the Coalition assume power in September, traditional Liberal/National supporters areas will be the ones stuck with the slower speeds.

I reckon there should be a special levy placed on the internet usage of every home and business already connected to FTTH, to repay Australian taxpayers.

I’m with you on this Chucky.

I worked on a project 13years ago that was effectively similar to the NBN rollout. The gov could have save taxpayers billions of dollars if they had just tap into that network. The infrastructure would have been readily available in less then half the time to the same number of aussies. But no, under labor they had to have a trophy project to brag about instead of doing what is economically viable and in the best interest of the country. Notwithstanding, the monopoly was stripped from Telstra and only to given back again by this fiscal irresponsible gov whom gets 10/10 for spinning the truth.

VHILW - 14 June 2013 08:15 PM

. . . under labor they had to have a trophy project to brag about instead of doing what is economically viable and in the best interest of the country.

Well said, mate! Truer words have never been spoken. That pretty much sums up the Labor party and the gullible fools who fall for their bullshit.


The queen of “dish it out but can’t take it”.



It’s such a fkn circus, all of it. What example are we setting for our children? No one shows respect for others any more -  in so many facets of life! Over it!



I have a few hidden away on my phone LOL


All jokes aside, our government needs to stop fighting between themselves and stabbing each other in the back and look for a common goal. Then our county will prosper, the only problem is the clowns that are in government couldn’t play nice with each other if their lives depended on it.

“How do you stop a politician from drowning?...
Take your foot off his head”

Mcgoo - 15 June 2013 04:36 PM

The only problem is the clowns that are in government.

^ I fixed it for you.  wink


chucky - 15 June 2013 04:41 PM
Mcgoo - 15 June 2013 04:36 PM

The only problem is the clowns that are in government.

^ I fixed it for you.  wink


Huh lol did I stuff something??

chucky - 15 June 2013 04:41 PM
Mcgoo - 15 June 2013 04:36 PM

The only problem is the clowns that are in government.

^ I fixed it for you.  wink


Huh lol did I stuff something??


Haha, na mate, i just edited it down to the bare bones.

chucky - 15 June 2013 04:50 PM

Haha, na mate, i just edited it down to the bare bones.

Haha wow that went straight over my head hahaha yes that does fix it.
I did say county instead of country tongue

So used to getting bombed for grammar on the Internet instead of your actual argument haha.


LOL  thumbsup
