The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Ok, so I have a few days off work, weather is shocking (read RAIN) snow is horrible, sitting in the house on the lappy is starting to make the mind wander…...........
So why we have a Guinea Pig here is a whole story by itself, and trust me, it is not perverted and there is no Gaffa tape involved !!!!!
But anyway, we thought it was time he learned to snowmobile.
Escape is his name, riding a snowmobile is his game.
please note, no animals were hurt in the making of these pictures. My liver on the other hand may not be so lucky.
those photos are amazing, makes me want a guinea pig
What? No Jacket? Isn’t the little fella going to get cold?
is he a skier or a boarder?
those photos are amazing, makes me want a guinea pig
you want a guinea pig? how much you offering?
He got out on the snow later on….......
and he is a boarder of course !!!
awesome! absolutely!, thanks for sharing.
Hahaha that’s awesome!
Rainin here, bugger all to do but go over some old threads!!!!!
And I came across this one!!!!!
Soooooo…..........Azz…........ is Escape on the circuit yet?????
those photos are amazing, makes me want a guinea pig
They are cute- my two piggles would give you about 2 seconds to take the pic before they would decide funk that and scamper off
those photos are amazing, makes me want a guinea pig
They are cute- my two piggles would give you about 2 seconds to take the pic before they would decide funk that and scamper off
He must be cable tied to the handle bars???? Azz did only mention the non use of gaffer tape!!!!!
Hahahahaha nice one Azz
Whoa, old school gear here
Escape has sadly left this world
After retiring from the professional guinea pig snow mobile race and stunt circuit, he spent his days eating grass and sun baking in the paddocks of Chill Hill with the Alpacas. He came to an untimely end when a Hawk or such bird decided that he would taste great
RIP Escape.
Mini Shred has restocked with four new pigs, one has parted company already, but the other three are living the high life in the poultry pen. They hang out with Mizu the duck, K2 and Spaz the geese.
We are expecting piglets any day soon.
Oh yeah, and of course they have names…....... Alowishas, Maffra & Star
What ya gonna do with the piglets???? Eventually I mean!!!!!
Oh, and RIP it up Escape!!!!!