The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Ask the person below you a question.


watching TV - gotta love Foxtel - there can be 30+ channels and still find nothing to watch….

ever seen a dead body (ie. funeral, etc)


nope, im glad because personaly i don’t want to

have you ever worn buggie smuglers?!?!


Yup and I still do - when doing laps in the 50m pool down the road smile

I wear the boardies if I am at the beach!

girls - have you worn a g-string bikini at the beach
guys - would you be gutsy enough to wear a borat mankini at the beach?!


God no, boardies all the way!!! G bangers are just so wrong on the beach!!!

Have you ever had to scrape by a week eating 2 minute noodles/frozen dinners?!


no but i could do it, easly smile

have you ever skiny diped?


not skinny dipped, closest is a nudey run down the street

Favourite Bond Movie?


Not at all! grin

One snowboard trick you wish you could nail but know you have no chance of ever learning?


dont really know yet trying a lot and not landing a lot lol….......

if you could come back as someone who only love skiing and love goin to church would you come back or not???


I would, cause at least I would be on snow in one form or another!!

Are you a road rager!?


yer, i mean skings not that bad its just it wasn’t all that much fun, but i could make it fun if i tried and church i could just day dream i guess thats always fun tongue laugh

whats your favorite animal


House cat cause there lazy…

your biggest wish?????????


i have a few so i’ll tell you all of them. to own a snowboard. better pants and goggles. atm to have a really good school bag (my one is shated).
and my dream job, i want to be a mucho man… nar i wana be a metoroligst (weather person) sept not on tv.

how much do you like mexican food??


mexican rocks!!  Its a pity there is not much decent mexican in melbourne :(

Last thing you purchased?


Yeh I am a morning person, once I am awake there is no going back to bed! Don’t wanna waste the day!

What is your all time favourite possesion that you can’t part with?


my lil teddy bear… don’t laugh i know you had one too

whats your favorite drink?