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What annoys you most in lift lines.


Being a smoker, filthy habit i know.. been trying to drop them for a while but still have the odd one, I completely agree.. If you want a smoke have one by all means just go off to the side away from the que. Really poor form when you look around and there are young kids in the lift lines and then right next to them there is someone smoking. I remember they used to hand out film canisters in perisher years ago from the bars for smokers so that they wouldn’t drop their butts all over the place, not sure if they still do this though but it was great.

Kids with stocks who think it’s cool to draw pictures on your board with the snow on there are shocking.. I generally find kicking their stocks and telling them off scares them straight raspberry

People who think that by inching forward constantly to the point where they have a ski either side of you board also annoy me.. Whether you stand 2 inches behind me or 2 feet behind me you’re not going to get on the chair any quicker.

Then theres the loud annoying person in the que who thinks that everybody wants to hear about what they’ve been up to. This mainly applied to american long weekends in whistler with some of the americans. They’d take their time getting on and off the gondolas and couldn’t care a bit about the fact they were holding everyone else up. As long as they had a good holiday thats all that counted.

On a side note I’ve got plenty of patience when it comes to beginners since we were all there at one point or another and helping them out is just a small thing you can do to make someones weekend.. people who give them attitude when they fall over when getting on and off lifts should just chill out in my books.


my friend has a sticker on the back of his board that says in
about 8 languages ” get your F#$king skis off my F#$king board “

i want one

ps: i hate people smoking in the lines or worse still jumping on a chair lift with you smoking


* people who stand on my board
* those gits who yell out “let me through, I am with that group at the front of the queue” - I just say “are you that much of a baby you cannot ride up the lift without your friends” - if came down the hill last then you obviously can’t keep up - don’t waste everyone’s elses time. Your friends can either wait for you so you all line up together or they go up first and you go as a single.
* queue jumpers who don’t alternate when the separate lines become one. Its pretty easy to work out - feigning ignorance just makes you look like a dumb-ass
* smokers of any kind - they f*cken stink and make my clothes stink as well
* people who try and pull the safety bar down before everyone else is ready. If someone is leaning slightly forward the safety bar could donk them on the head (that could hurt if the person is not wearing a helmet)


^yeah the safety bar thing annoys the hell out of me.. been hit so many times this season but thankfully the helmet has copped the brunt of it. V8 at perisher is shocking for it. At least yell out that you’re going to drop it before actually doing it..

Empire - 26 August 2010 02:09 AM

Got to agree with people sliding their equipment over your board and wrecking it.
Queue jumpers. I’ve been waiting here (somewhat) patiently for 10 mins, don’t for a second think that you’re going to rock up and jump in front of me…
The thing that absolutely annoys me the most though, is people that smoke in the line. Have a bit of respect for the people around you!

What about stupid noobs that tangle you up on the t-bars and drag you along the ground for 40mtrs because they refuse to let go of the bar, Matty?  LOL  LOL  LOL


yeah I’m a fan of the sarcastic wave of “no worries mate” after you’ve let someone in in heavy traffic & they’ve failed to say thanks.


I am a fairly passive person most of the time however I can lose my shit in lift lines and while driving.  The one thing I like about lift lines is that you can really tell someone what you think of them and they’re right there in front of you.  This one skier fcukwit ran into my chick as he was pushing into the lift line knocking her over.  I saw it and kept up a constant barrage of baiting shhiit talk for the entire wait, the guy didn’t even have the balls to turn around despite me describing in great detail who he was and what a fcuken cnut he was, how he probably liked to rape old ladies as he seemed to get his jollies throwing his weight around bullying women.  TBH I probably went off the deep end but fcuk it pissed me off, the cnut didn’t even say sorry.  Being 6’3” and anywhere between 105-110kgs has it’s advantages.

Tills - 26 August 2010 09:11 AM

What about stupid noobs that tangle you up on the t-bars and drag you along the ground for 40mtrs because they refuse to let go of the bar, Matty?  LOL  LOL  LOL

Hahaha yeah that too. Because you had no idea what was going, on I’ll let you get away with it ONCE. If you ever do that to me again, I’ll thump you wink


Skiiers who blatantly stab your board with their poles.

Happens way too often and you stand there giving them a dirty for them to just ignore you…


you all hate me i know… i cut infront of people but like i only do it to catch up with my friends. but i hate it when people hit you board with their board or skis.

amakat - 27 August 2010 06:33 AM

you all hate me i know… i cut infront of people but like i only do it to catch up with my friends. but i hate it when people hit you board with their board or skis.

If you can’t keep with up with your friends then ride as a single….....if someone tries to barge through, i just tell them to wait their turn - I don’t see why I should be inconvenienced because someone is too slow.

I must just be a bastard smile


Big lines, Skiers and people that are first timers that come flying down the mountain and take out everyone waiting in line, but funni wen you think about it now….


oh yeah i also hate it when your with beginer boarders getting of the chair lift they fall down and take you with them!!! mad


gotta be when skiers run over the back of ur board. Happened to me last year, twisted my knee right around and i had to fall just to stop my knee from giving way at which point i copped the back of my bindings right up the date.


yeah great for every one but me… i was walking like i’d had a big night at mardi gras for the next 3 days.