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Snow parties


H0z isn’t the rail jam next week?


Yep 6th.. But I work every Thursday and have every Friday off.. So going tomorrow and driving further.. As apposed to going next week.. Driving less (potential for a lift of the bfs dad) isn’t logical.. smile


Sorry am confused at which rail jam you are going to?

I thought there was only one - next week?


Ok, let me try again.. I’m not going to the party at the crowie tomorrow as its a 45 min drive, each way ( if there is no traffic,) and I am working Thursday ( day after)

but I am going to the rail jam at manly next Thursday (06/06) because its only (15 mins each way, and I might be able to get a lift of Mr.h0zs dad) and I have Fridays off.. So no working the day after…

does that make more sense?  :/


Also.. Mr.h0z just got emailed from the guys at Balmoral Boards!! (for the Thursday rail jam!!)


Makes sense… NOW - LOL

I was confused cause you wrote this earlier

h0z - 29 May 2013 08:58 AM

Plus, I’m going to the rail jam in manly tomorrow

reiterated that it was TOMORROW again.

h0z - 29 May 2013 09:40 AM

So going tomorrow and driving further…

I understand all your reason! Just was confused at the word TOMORROW as its next week.

Although now you are saying you do have tickets to another one tomorrow?



Much better h0z


Haha my bad.. I knew it was next Thursday in my head.. But tomorrow being Thursday.. I must have typed tomorrow.. Haha I should stop posting at work when I’m half asleep


Thursday rail jam.. (only rail jam) on the 6th June.. Again.. My bad haha typing when asleep/excited/atwork/on my phone, seems like a bad combination.. Rofl!!

the tickets are for next Thursday..


Your hilarious H0z

was laughing and my head was hurting at the same time… then i was worried i was coming across like a nit picky biatch!


Haha Na your fine.. (I got what I meant.. But my hands didn’t translate it too well!! Haha)



ozgirl - 29 May 2013 12:47 PM

Your hilarious H0z

was laughing and my head was hurting at the same time… then i was worried i was coming across like a nit picky biatch!

For prosperity I’m quoting this - might have to copy it into countdown thread wink


Its ok spaz.. Others will soon realize how awesomely funny (read smart ass) I am!! 

and that I’m just an all round awesome person!... No need to quote oz saying it..

tongue wink




Devo to say the least, I got here around 9 and there is maybe 10-15 people here. Instead I put $20 in the pokies and got $140 out so that’s pretty cool. Might stay and see how it goes but not worth making an effort if you were kind of keen.