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Federal Election 2013


It never ceases to amaze me how gullible some people are.



^ In reality, it’s NOT “Tony Abbott’s broadband” at all, nor is it the Coalition’s. It’s simply their attempt to make the best of a bad situation. As usual, Labor makes a mess, and the Libs are left to clean it up.





THE TRUTH behind Gillard’s NDIS publicity SCAM:

Gillard’s fake ‘address to the house’ was entirely created to score political points for Labor (by attempting to make Gillard look like a real person with real emotions), while deliberately making the opposition look bad.

All that contrived “misogyny” hypocrisy worked so well for the ALP the last time Gillard pretended to have real emotions, so it was worth another shot. The thing is - this one was EVEN MORE just for the cameras.

After the ‘momentous event’, Gillard and her duplicitous cronies made such a big deal about the Coalition “not caring enough” to show up to witness her crocodile tears - deliberately concealing the fact that they WERE NOT TOLD IT WAS HAPPENING! Yep, it wasn’t entered on the official notice paper, because it wasn’t intended that anyone from the opposition should actually show up! In fact, the only ALP members who bothered to show up were the ones needed to stack the seats behind Gillard (for the camera angle - as the image above shows) - merely to give the initial impression for the cameras that Gillard was addressing a full house. It was the perfect double whammy - Gillard got to pretend to be human unimpeded by opposition scrutiny, then use their enforced absence against them!

Predictably, the usual band of gullible, deluded cretins fell for it - hook, line and sinker.





Chuck, you seem to have lost the spirit in which I started this thread mate.

Can you chuck* in a few funny ones for us please

*pun intended wink


Like this?



I’ll pay that! ^^^

chucky - 11 June 2013 02:22 PM

Like this?

YES!!!!! LOL

Exactly like that smile


Anyone see Gillard’s rant about libs minsters being “men with blue ties”?
Sounds like a good option considering the job women with red hair have been doing recently!

900steve - 12 June 2013 08:50 PM

Anyone see Gillard’s rant about libs minsters being “men with blue ties”?
Sounds like a good option considering the job women with red hair have been doing recently!
