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What are you doing this weekend?


Starts with R, ends in S, and takes 20 years off my life every time…. Arrrggh

Billy - 17 May 2013 08:44 PM

Starts with R, ends in S, and takes 20 years off my life every time…. Arrrggh


TJswish - 17 May 2013 09:37 PM
Billy - 17 May 2013 08:44 PM

Starts with R, ends in S, and takes 20 years off my life every time…. Arrrggh


WTF gulp

TJswish - 17 May 2013 09:37 PM
Billy - 17 May 2013 08:44 PM

Starts with R, ends in S, and takes 20 years off my life every time…. Arrrggh



Hahahahahahahaha teacherboy

....NO!  wink


Busy weekend for me this weekend.

Late shift last night then uni friends get together… which I missed because they were lame and didn’t stay out past 11pm.

Work today 1130-730, then going out to the Argyle I think tonight.

I’ll be making these again:

Sunday Mind Body Spirit expo and then Eurovision party!!!! Where we will be eating above prawns, taking a shot everytime someone stuffs up the English language and laughing at shiny disco balls, outrageous costumes and overenthusiastic back-up dancers.


They look yum!!!


They are!! Marinated in peanut oil, ginger, chilli and garlic smile pretty easy to make too!


Bloody phone typing stuff ups rage

AshStix - 18 May 2013 12:35 PM

  Please make me some drool

DylanV - 18 May 2013 06:26 PM

  Please make me some drool

Next boardworld outing/gathering what ever I’ll make some smile

AshStix - 18 May 2013 06:51 PM
DylanV - 18 May 2013 06:26 PM

  Please make me some drool

Next boardworld outing/gathering what ever I’ll make some smile

holding you top that grin


Just had a lovely couple of hours at the pyrmont food and wine festival. Great day for it grin


The recent snow falls have got me super excited about the up coming season.

Spent the weekend looking at snow gear, ended up with a new jacket for $100 from Trigger in St Kilda. Came home and put my new bindings on one of my boards.

Pretty much ready for the season now, just need to drive to wodonga to pick up my roof racks and get them installed.


Nice, tobes. With all that snow I’m sad I’m going to miss a fair chunk of the season in Europe. On the bright side, I’m going to Europe! wink

I’ll be up on opening weekend, but don’t know where… Might stay in Bright or Harrietville with the borf and do one day at Hotham and Falls. Spewing, first year without a season pass in yonks!!! Oh well. Don’t think I’ll make it up heaps… Might even give Buller a visit seeing I’m not locked in, ha…



We are in Tassie with Mini shred. Full trip report when we get home. Having the best time. shaka