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Heineken and Morons


You see it a lot right, people on FB and other social media sites sharing pictures of so called crimes or travesty’s of justice and getting all high an mighty and casting the fury of thousand psychopathic anal fistikin rapists on the supposed perpetrators of said crime.  All of this is done without a second thought to perhaps checking the validity or back story surrounding the image. 

This one has been getting around for some time now.

I have seen it posted on various peoples FB and each and every time I see it, I question that persons intelligence.  Literally 12 seconds on google and it becomes apparent it’s got nothing to do with Heineken.

From Heineken’s website

Click here to order Annual Reports
Please note
HEINEKEN has become aware that the Heineken brand name and logo – like thousands of other international brand names – is being fraudulently used for activities in which HEINEKEN is not involved whatsoever.
Find out more

World leading brands
The world’s most international brewer

Dog Fighting in Mongolia - Update
Images of dog fighting circulating on the internet (18/04/2012)
18 April 2012

Images continue to circulate in social media channels showing a dog fight, with Heineken® banners clearly visible in the background. This is very distressing and totally unacceptable. As a company and a brand owner, we do not and would never knowingly support any event, outlet or individual involved in this type of activity. It is against our company and brand rules and - more important - against our company values. 
Since this matter was brought to our attention via Facebook we have conducted an investigation and now know that:

- The venue is a nightclub in Mongolia
- The venue hosted a dog fight of which we had no knowledge and were not involved in any way
- The venue owner has verbally confirmed that Heineken® banners are visible in the pictures because the previous evening the club had been decorated for a promotional event and he had failed to remove the banners once it was over. This event was in no way related to the dog fight
Based on this we have taken the following immediate actions:

- Removed all remaining promotional materials from the venue
- Withdrawn all current product stock from the club
- Ceased our relationship, ensuring our brands will not be available in the club again
- Instructed our distributor to check every location where our brands can be enjoyed to ensure such illegal activities are not taking place. If there is any suggestion that they are, we will take the same action and remove our products
- Continue to ensure our strict advertising and promotion guidelines are enforced both to the letter and the spirit of their intent
We want to thank our consumers on-line for bringing this issue to our attention. We are shocked and disappointed by these images. We fully understand the level of negative feeling amongst consumers based on what they have seen. We appreciate that the vast majority have asked for our point of view before making a judgment. We encourage our consumers to continue to use social media channels to alert us to any situation where they feel our brands are being misrepresented, so that we can take the appropriate actions.

For more information please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Click here to see letter from venue owner confirming HEINEKEN had no involvement in the dog fighting activity.

PDF can be found here

What other social media shares have you seen that made you question friendship with someone who may in all reality be a complete and total moron?????


That Kony bullshit

The “If this gets 1 trillion likes bill gates will donate all his money/ a surgeon will perform free surgery on babies/ you get the idea” thingy


Yep, the majority of the world’s population are idiots - many of them being the gullible, bandwagon-jumping kind.

Just like all the people who jumped on the ‘evil Apple’ bandwagon, when that moron circulated his ‘exposé’ on workers’ conditions in the Asian factories they use - completely ignoring the fact that pretty much every single other major player in the mobile electronics industry also uses the exact same (or similar) factories.


Yeh that one was pretty damn hilarious


This has been plaguing my news feed for days…

Also; for every view this thread gets I will drink a Heineken! LOL


I am loving the LIKE and you will get ...........
because we have to give away X amount of iPads because the package was opened and cannot be sold now…......

Best bit is seeing how many people on me ‘friends’ list LIKE it.

Hmmm, maybe I should do a cull!!?


Koper you’re going to be very drunk…..........


If only I had enough Heineken to try with you Koper!


My first thought jumped to the Kony experiment Deano wink
So many <strike>idiots</strike> gullible people on fb (worlds biggest community).
Most of them American = gullible idiots. 70% of Americans don’t know the population USA.

Not a bad idea Azz. Cull my fb friends that buy into “like this” and “share if…”.

eg: smile



I am so sick of the share this sad story!

And the like to win an ipad…

FYI - none of the “like” to win a blackberry posts are fakes LOL


I find the most annoying posts are the ones for African aid and disaster victims.

All the crap about for every ‘LIKE’ FB will donate x or every LIKE is a prayer.

But the most disgusting one I’‘ve seen was for the Boston bombing victim who supposedly was at Sandy Hook too and was running to raise money. To me that crosses a line.