The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Anyone wanna live in inner west of Sydney?


I am looking for a new flatmate again.

PM if you want more details shaka

(even lurkers… grin )


another one bites the dust



I seem to not pick them well!

I genuinely don’t think it me - because I can tell within days that they aren’t interested in becoming a part of the flat from day one (even if its just the two of us!) see my other post in daily thread…

Or maybe they just don’t like my choice of friends (Hahaha TJ and Dylan have both been regular visitors to my flat during her time living with me!)


The bonus is for Boardriders is that it comes with Jindy accom too!

Cause it wouldn’t be at all awkward saying “oh your going to Jindy this weekend - so am I. But you better make your own way there and your own accom - But hey you don’t mind if my parents come to stay here occasional…” LOL


Umm, No way!
The only temptation is due to the awesome flatmate.


Awww thanks Spaz!!

Maybe I should link to the food thread to lure people in as well??


Pick me pick me. You’ve got plenty of room for a 4 yo and a newborn yeah?? Lol



There is even enough space in the bathroom for all 3 of your toothbrushes too!

ozgirl - 13 May 2013 11:49 AM

Or maybe they just don’t like my choice of friends (Hahaha TJ and Dylan have both been regular visitors to my flat during her time living with me!)

I would like to question your definition of “regular visitors” , in my book twice isn’t regular at all


Well obviously it was often enough to scare her off!




Once would of been enough, I’d of thought smirk


Yeah I only met her twice as well… and once was at the pub.

TJswish - 13 May 2013 10:13 PM

Yeah I only met her twice as well… and once was at the pub.

I Wanted to remove her voice box that night