The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive



rider26 - 10 May 2013 07:27 PM

But make sure you put it in a shoe first.

This man speaks the truth.


thanx guys will apply all my new stickers well before i get to the snow, and i will def make sure i put it in a shoe first, is there any other way to drink then from a shoe???


LOL Mika, you ARE the MAN shaka


Don’t put the sticker in your shoe first before on your board wink


New challenge for mika at the shred; at the end of a day take sock off foot and place in bowl of any spirit, leave for 24hrs and then drink by holding the sock up and squeezing into mouth

DylanV - 13 May 2013 02:31 AM

New challenge for mika at the shred; at the end of a day take sock off foot and place in bowl of any spirit, leave for 24hrs and then drink by holding the sock up and squeezing into mouth

geee dylan that is pretty rough lol, but who knows anything could happen