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Federal Election 2013


LOL Pay that one !!!!



Nah, Gillard’s not FAKE at all.


Soooo someone cant go from crying to having a giggle can they?




It hilarious that just because some people are so monumentally ignorant, they won’t vote for the Coalition simply because they personally “hate Tony Abbott”, they actually believe that the reason so many people want Labor out is simply because they “hate Julia Gillard” (i.e. they wrongly believe they’re as stupid as they themselves are). Anyone displaying that sticker on their car may as well just get “MORON” tattooed across their forehead and be done with it.

deanobruce - 15 May 2013 09:06 PM

Soooo someone cant go from crying to having a giggle can they?


Sure, sometimes - but in this case, it was blatant crocodile tears. It’s all too obvious that Labor are focussing on the emotional aspect of the NDIS to draw attention away from the fact that, due to their financial mismanagement, the only way they could fund it was a 33.33333333333% increase in Medicare Levy payments (which they deceitfully refer to as “only” a 0.5% increase).

They did exactly the same thing with the Coalition. Tony Abbott was well aware that objecting to Labor’s 33.33333333333% increase in Medicare Levy payments would be fraudulently portrayed by Labor and the majority left-wing media as not supporting the NDIS - and therefore not supporting the disabled (i.e. political suicide). Backing the Coalition into a corner using emotional blackmail was Labor’s plan all along.

ozgirl - 15 May 2013 10:15 PM



Pollys will always shed crocodile tears. It’s expected!
The public will never like polly’s - it’s expected.
The party that rules this country will swing from Labour to Liberal every 8-12years.

Everything said in between is noise and misdirection.
Julia is going down not because she did anything wrong but because the country went to shit while she was ruling. The country was always going to go to shit whether it was her or Joe Blow in leadership.

Politicians exist simply so we can blame someone but not the people actually causing the problems. And to ignore the people actually keeping the country afloat.


They were tears of convenience though and not even very convincing.


at least she turned up.


I would just like to say that Julia Gillard actually spent the morning before question time with children with disabilities.

I am not surprised that she was emotional in the afternoon.

Some of you may actually recognise the specific charity mentioned in the article i linked. There was no press at all. These photos were taken for and displayed on the National Disability Services own website.

Also can anyone show me or prove the time stamp on the above photo/s, not that there is anything wrong with laughing after crying but I am not naive enough to believe that this photo was taken after just because somebody says so on a meme.


I will more than happily pay the extra bit in taxes (bout 300 a year I think?) to fund the NDIS, whether I have to due to supposed government incompetence or not.


Public opinion of pollys is coloured in more BS than what Polly’s actually speak.