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What would Chuck do???


Riteo guys,
I don’t know how this ones gunna go but what the heck…..

You have to make up a scenario about anything, could be funni could be bad anything you want. And than the next person has to reply and think what would Chuck Norris do?????

I’ll start with, a lady was walking out of Walmart with all her groceries when suddenly a bright light strikes her in the eye’s, she loser’s her trolley, car’s are goin everywhere poeple are driving out of the way…...

Now what would CHUCK do???


hmmm would he…..
Tackle The Stupid Laddy For Not Being As Cool AS CHUCK NORRIS!!!!
i don’t, what would he do if…..
he found out that NOBODY commented on warren chapsticks post FOR…


Probably punch everyone who didn’t respond for not respecting him enough. And then punch them again because they didn’t respect that first punch.

What would CN do if he was on a slope when an avalanche started right above him?


Get Shaun White to be his body double and suddenly cut the scene to being in a half pipe.

WWCN do if the chair lift he was riding broke down.


Take off his retro stick and slap ski patrol for talking to him then slap again for telling him to slow down then round house kick him for being ski patrol.

WWCN if he was told he was only allowed to ski and not board???


he would never be on baywatch. CN invented baywatch.

WWCND if Boardworld was down for the day?


He would sleep with Jeremy’s mum and then the friction caused would power the servers that hold BW for the next year so that they wouldn’t go down again.

WWCND if Walker Texas Ranger got canceled?


he would hunt rider26 down, and get them to make a new one while it was down!!!

WWCND if it didn’t snow at all next season


Eat the waiter instead.

WWCND if someone sprayed him while he was enjoying the view on the slopes.


Chuck would shot him in the leg so they wouldn’t be able to spray him again!!!

WWCND if his piggy bank was empty and found out that you had taken the last dollar??


Chuck wouldn’t do anything as he has no need for money, people just give him what he wants…

WWCND if you hit on his beard?


Chuck would punch his level 2 Brute for not being man enough and then punch him again for giving him a bad reputation. He would then commission a level 1 Brute to do the job instead to show him how it is done. The level 1 Brute would win.

WWCND if his ipod stopped working?


Go KAPOW town on his mum and dad ass’s until they said stop “Warren Chapstick” we’ll call you Chuck Norris lol….....

WWCND about Australian Politics??


nothing, he doesn’t were underpants. ohh

WWCND if he found that mizu kuma was kidnapped by… Warren Chapstick!?!?!


Tell Kort, Amakat too rip off all the hair off his body or else he would Ranger Stacey his ass…....

WWCND if the world ran out of beer??


He would just laugh cos chuck norris doesn’t drink, the only cans he likes are cans of whoop ass!

WWCND if he ran into tigers woods on a night out?