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Federal Election 2013

ozgirl - 08 May 2013 10:01 AM

I don’t think it will be a landslide win!

Thats the bit I think is a big call. Everything I read, it will be a landslide victory to the Coalition.


Ah okay!

ozgirl - 08 May 2013 10:01 AM

I don’t think it will be a landslide win!

LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL    LOL

TJswish - 08 May 2013 09:28 AM

. . . I don’t really want his religious based policies poisoning the government.

A completely unfounded prejudice. Abbott has his personal beliefs, but allows his party members to have theirs. He does NOT force his beliefs down their throats.

Abbott’s biggest political ‘failing’ is his honesty. Unlike the overwhelming majority of Labor politicians who rarely ever tell the truth, relying on sleazy PR spin instead, Abbott makes the ‘mistake’ of saying what he really thinks - instead of simply parroting what advisors suggest the public wants to hear.

Incidentally, Rudd had MANY ‘impromptu’ press conferences and photo ops arriving at or leaving church services.


I’d be very surprised if Abbot is still the leader and it’s a landslide win. He has too many bad policies and ideas for them to landslide past. I think they’ll win but it will be close.

Though I think Labor could keep it if they axe Gills.

ozgirl - 08 May 2013 10:01 AM

. . . his anti woman’s rights!

Yet another gullible victim of Labor’s unfounded character assassination - proving that if you repeat a lie often enough, many people will start to believe it.

TJswish - 08 May 2013 09:28 AM

But I still want an NBN lol

We all want faster internet, but surely you can see that the many billions of dollars allocated to this could be better spent elsewhere.

AJ2theC - 08 May 2013 11:17 AM
TJswish - 08 May 2013 09:28 AM

But I still want an NBN lol

We all want faster internet, but surely you can see that the many billions of dollars allocated to this could be better spent elsewhere.

<font size=“7”>^ THIS!</font>


chucky - 08 May 2013 11:20 AM
AJ2theC - 08 May 2013 11:17 AM
TJswish - 08 May 2013 09:28 AM

But I still want an NBN lol

We all want faster internet, but surely you can see that the many billions of dollars allocated to this could be better spent elsewhere.

<font size=“7”>^ THIS!</font>

Meh, Elsewhere can piss off.

I need quicker Boardworld!

TJswish - 08 May 2013 11:37 AM

Meh, Elsewhere can piss off.

I need quicker Boardworld!



My turn…

Azz - 12 April 2013 07:20 AM

Not to fussed on everyones views as to who should win / lose, lead the country etc etc

This space is about putting up funny pics, links and other stuff that is funny.

*don’t mind me I hate all things politics..  (but was enjoying the funny pictures…)*


By the way, TJ, I’d love to have NBN FTTH connected at my place too, I just don’t think it’s right that taxpayers are forced to pay for it.

The fact is, the taxpayer-funded NBN is a Labor vote-buying exercise that the Liberal party will unwillingly inherit on September 14. If, and only IF, the Liberal party had won that election and proceeded with a similar project, they would have found a way to have it funded by the commercial interests who stand to benefit the most from it. All we’re seeing now from the Liberal party, is the attempt to make the best of the bad situation they’ve been forced into.

As far as I’m concerned, no supporter of the NBN has the right to whinge about the lack of funding for genuinely essential infrastructure such as schools, hospitals etc. Contrary to common left-wing thinking, taxpayer funding is not an infinite resource, so funding non-essential projects means NOT funding essential ones. It’s a sad state of affairs when people trade their kids’ education and health for the ability to download Game Of Thrones faster.


One major problem with the whole NBN thing is that as Labor have already squandered soooooooooooo many billions of taxpayers’ money, and construction is largely underway. So it’s grossly unfair that some people (primarily those in Labor majority areas who’ve been connected or are just about to) will benefit from NBN FTTH, while others will now have to put up with FTTN instead after September’s election. In the interests of fairness, the Coalition should probably just go ahead with FTTH for everybody - unless they can come up with a way that those already connected pay a special levy to compensate those who will miss out.

I live next door to Baz Luhrmann, and as he’s such a huge Labor arse kisser (remember the millions of taxpayers’ money that went into his “Australia” movie?!), I guess it’s possible my street may still get FTTH. If that’s the case, and I end up actually using the service, I’m OK with paying a special levy to compensate those who will miss out.


I will concede that although the NBN shares common ground with the Labor/Green alliance’s carbon tax farce, in that they both waste HUGE amounts of taxpayers’ money while making certain others VERY rich - at least the NBN will actually do some good.


Julia Gillard walks into the Commonwealth Bank of Australia to cash a cheque. As she approaches the cashier she says “Good morning, could you please cash this cheque for me?”

Cashier: “It would be my pleasure, could you please show me your ID?”

Gillard: “Truthfully, I did not bring my ID with me as I didn’t think there was any need to. I am the Prime Minister Julia Gillard, the Prime Minister of Australia !!!”

Cashier: “Yes, I know who you are, but with all the regulations, monitoring, of the banks because of impostors and forgers, etc I must insist on seeing your ID.”

Gillard: “Just ask anyone here at the bank who I am and they will tell you. Everybody knows who I am.”

Cashier: “I am sorry, but these are the bank rules and I must follow them.”

Gillard: “I insist that you cash this cheque!”

Cashier: “Look, this is what we can do: One day Adam Scott came into the bank without ID.
To prove he was Adam Scott he pulled out his putting iron and made a beautiful shot across the bank into a cup.
With that shot we knew him to be Adam Scott and cashed his cheque.

Another time, Pat Rafter came in without ID. He pulled out his tennis racquet and made a fabulous shot where the tennis ball landed in my cup. With that spectacular shot we cashed his cheque.

So, what can you do to prove that you, and only you, are the Prime Minister of Australia?”

Gillard stood there thinking, and thinking and finally says: “Honestly, there is nothing that comes to my mind, I can’t think of a single thing I’m good at.”

Cashier: “Will that be large or small notes, Prime Minister?”