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What are you good at?

Wilmshurst - 08 May 2013 08:11 AM

I’m good at breaking stuff…

Me to, which is why I’m good at fixing stuff.
My nieces think I can fix anything because that what my daughter told them.

Which reminds me;
I’m the worlds best dad. Just ask my daughter…


My bad expiry is xx/xxxx

Azz - 07 May 2013 08:25 PM

Like this…..

lanox - 07 May 2013 07:22 PM

R u guys using back button the coming back and reply o post?

Or do u click on thread the u rly and press submit ?

I have managed to replicate the issue but only if I press beck button the forward and try to reply ??

Edit: if not plz tell me step by step what u do ?

Azz when you have about 5 to 8 hours sleep in last week or 2 that usually does happen, oh and i am really sorry about that i think you are right that does make me sound illiterate…...

But in my defence i swear its the stupid ipad and predicting what i want to say .

i hope there is not mistakes in this post.

ozgirl - 07 May 2013 08:25 PM

Um I think you are awesome at dealing with whingy BWM about this workings of this site Lano!

Big Props to you!

Thanks Kim appreciate the acknowledgement.


Ahhh, that’s much better smile

Keep fighting the good fight solider.

I have been busy trying to get that error to happen, no luck.

Just did it to me then!!!!


So it did it too me, hit the back button in within the error page after letting it sit idle for 10 mins and it worked.


you mean u got the security error ?



lanox - 08 May 2013 10:03 AM

you mean u got the security error ?

Ive been getting it a fair few times in the past couple of days on both computer and phone


F**K me….. why dont i ever get them.


Just got one too, fortunately I’ve learnt to copy everything to the clipboard before hitting submit. Failed 3 times before I resorted to using “post reply” rather than “fast reply”

Edit: and again fast reply failed me.


OK, for me,

1. Has not happened on my Mac.
2. Only happens on my iPad
3. Only happens when I am using Telstra’s network, never when on our Wifi.
4. I never use the browsers forward or back buttons.
5. I would say happens 1 in every 25 posts.
6. Only happens on Fast Reply, never had it on post reply.
7. When I do get it, if I click on the “go to where I was” (whatever it says) I go back to were I was and do not lose what I have just typed. If I copy the text I wrote, hit Post Reply, paste and submit, no dramas.

I tried this morning using back button etc etc to get it to happen, couldn’t do it.
As soon as I wasn’t trying, BAM, got it.


I’m good at tripping on things….

I also think I make a mean spag bol :D


I never put lime juice in my drink.

Lime wedge or nothing at all

AshStix - 08 May 2013 03:28 PM

I’m good at tripping on things….

I also think I make a mean spag bol :D

yep your a tripper alright LOL