The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


What are you good at?


Not much really

lanox - 07 May 2013 08:19 PM

Not much really

I beg to differ my friend, you are excellent at typing shit that I have little hope of translating smirk

I shall now go and look for an example smile


Like this…..

lanox - 07 May 2013 07:22 PM

R u guys using back button the coming back and reply o post?

Or do u click on thread the u rly and press submit ?

I have managed to replicate the issue but only if I press beck button the forward and try to reply ??

Edit: if not plz tell me step by step what u do ?


Um I think you are awesome at dealing with whingy BWM about this workings of this site Lano!

Big Props to you!


tongue wink

Billy - 07 May 2013 08:15 PM
blizzard_22 - 07 May 2013 08:00 PM
DylanV - 07 May 2013 02:59 PM
blizzard_22 - 07 May 2013 02:45 PM

I’m good at making the best ANZAC cookies ever!  grin

I’ll be the judge of that, get baking michelle LOL

Next time you are around town let me know and I will make some!!!

When’s your housewarming blizz?

Gonna be June sometime probably. We have someone coming this weekend to hang our outdoor heating strips, then we gotta get our sparky in to wire them up.

Either we wait for that to all be done, or we just let people freeze if they want to go outside LOL


Excuses excuses michelle


Also if you hadn’t have waited so long the you wouldn’t have needed the heating.

(chances of me making it in winter is slim to none… If i am going to drive to canberra I may as well go to Jindy! SOrry)

spaz - 07 May 2013 06:05 PM

I can be good with them - I always remember my credit card number and I’m more likely to remember a persons phone number than their name - I’m terrible with names.

I dont believe you, off the top of your head whats the number, expiry and ccv on your newest card?


I’m good with numbers…

Dylan mine card numbers are:

xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx   ccv: xxx and name: h0z



I’m good at pissing other people that are wankers!!


im good at pissing too. I dont often do it with other people though.


I’m good at breaking stuff…


I’m good at breaking stuff…

h0z - 08 May 2013 03:37 AM

I’m good with numbers…

Dylan mine card numbers are:

xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx   ccv: xxx and name: h0z


You for got the expiry date teacherboy