The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Thanks LB. We were talking about this a bit more last night and were thinking of a section where riders could review their gear themselves. It could be a way to increase the available info on variety of products beyond waterproofing/breathability to include things such as fit, comfort, durability etc. Sometimes an unbiased p.o.v. is useful.
I just checked out the S.T.A.N.C.E. trailer then - what an epic! Can’t wait for that to be released. Runway films also has a new one on its way out as well. Banger, get out of the girls section already!
Ahhh, plans for the winter, my favourite topic! We’re possibly doing a mission down this weekend then a week at the end of July with friends, then another trip Aug/Sept for some springy fun, plus some other last minute trips as well I’d say. I get Fridays off with my job at the moment so it’s pretty good for the weekender. Then Nthn Hemi Winter we were thinking Japan or US/Canada roadtrip and had just decided on doing Japan again, mostly because we were a bit overwhelmed by trying to sort out the roadtrip when a friend rang last night and said he’s getting married in Canada in Jan and wants us to come. Flip! Time to get organising! Either way we’ll have a killer tiime.
What about you?
And any of the other girls? What’s everybody planning?
I’ve done 4 days of riding already. Some where planed at 10pm and started driving at 2am to make first lift. MISSION. But super fun. I get the case of F.O.M.O. So I’m sure i’ll get down there quiet a bit, but nothing is planned.
Thanks for the ideas. Is there anything else you would like to see in the ‘Girls Only section? How do you like it so far?
Haha, I love the sound of your late night mission. Those last minute ones always end up being the most fun.
I like what’s on the GO so far. The movie trailers are a good idea, I only just saw that was up then. I like the pro files bit too. It could be fun if we could fill out those profile things ourselves. Not that I think I’m pro or anything, but it could be a funny way to get to know everybody. I know I’m pretty torn between spaghetti legs and street sign arms - there’s advantages to both!
You are torn.. but which would you rather? And why?
Ok, so I’ve tossed and turned all night, mulling over this age old question and the answer I’ve arrived at is…
Spaghetti legs.
I will admit logic does not factor heavily into this equasion, however I do feel that overtime street sign arms would become too cumbersome and awkward to make the day to day practical. Driving for instance - yes, you would always have right of way over the traffic, but how will you steer? No car seat goes that far back.
But spaghetti legs…I’ve gotta say I just followed my heart on this one. Springy, able to coil up when in a tight situation, useful if you forget your lunch, will look great in skinny leg jeans…and mostly because, and this is pretty weird, I picture myself in this cowboy outfit with a massive ten-gallon hat and the double holster with a pair of mad Colts ready to lay down some justice. I think it’s the spaghetti western thing, but it’s working for me.
So I’ve poured out my heart, your turn. Spaghetti Legs/Street Signs?;)
For a start spaghetti is Italian.. so I’m not quiet sure where the western theme came into it.. but hey it was an interesting picture. What about the double entry doors at a saloon bar. Patrons sitting at the bar watching you come in would only see spaghetti and a big hat.
My answer will follow.. need to think about it a bit longer..
Reporting for duty.
Nice to see you finally made it. Why were you late Tobi?
Only got the invite 36 hours ago, give a girl a chance!
Another girlie here. Hotham is my local. Site is looking the goods, and it’s great to actually have a dedicated WMS section. Look forward to spending some time here
Nice screenname, I like it.
Another girlie here. Hotham is my local. Site is looking the goods, and it’s great to actually have a dedicated WMS section. Look forward to spending some time here
welcome…. let us know what you would like to see up there and we’ll give it a nudge. There many things in the works so hang in there with us. Also feedback is our friend.
Hotham has had 23cm in the last day…....your board going to see any of that?
Hey Lauren,
Good work on the ‘girls section!’...finally somewhere we can gang up on the boys!...
If any girls come to falls always down for a shred..
Beth… Whistler Beth??
Im hoping to get down to Falls with Jeremy for the Burton product days.. and so i can write reviews on all next years products. But otherwise will hope to get down sometime this season. Maybe for Style Wars.
Hows the snow fall?
What do all the girls think about the new ‘World News’ section? New Zealand will be coming this week with updates from Burton rider ‘Shelly Gotlieb’ and sometime soon we will be launching Canada, Japan, Europe and the U S of A. Would love everyones feedback.
Hey hey girls,
Just back from a rad weekend in the fluffy white stuff! Let’s hear it for snow!