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What are you good at?

spaz - 07 May 2013 05:42 AM

Rhi, how fabulous are you? (Just asking).

a perfectly valid question Spaz. As far as I’m aware I’m just the right level of fabulous required for me to function on a daily basis cheese

Ah yes… being good at drinking! I’m off to my first polocrosse carnival of the season this weekend, attending purely as a spectator will really free up my “time”. Will pack a bag and a swag to roll out friday afternoon and see what state i’m in on sunday evening! billy

h0z - 07 May 2013 10:20 AM

Billy, 3 words..




(virtually no sugar, or calories.. And vodka is pretty pure (for alcohol))

This is all i drink at home and when i go out except for the occasional Coopers at the pub.

I am good at drinking, partying, building stuff, pleasuring, killing things on Call of Duty, Lifting heavy things repeatedly, being an all round top bloke.

deanobruce - 07 May 2013 01:15 PM
h0z - 07 May 2013 10:20 AM

Billy, 3 words..




(virtually no sugar, or calories.. And vodka is pretty pure (for alcohol))

This is all i drink at home and when i go out except for the occasional Coopers at the pub.

I am good at drinking, partying, building stuff, pleasuring, killing things on Call of Duty, Lifting heavy things repeatedly, being an all round top bloke.

But useless at Insulated Cooler Box/Houshold Refuse Differentiation!!!!!


Hahaha touche’

TJswish - 06 May 2013 11:52 PM
Azz - 06 May 2013 08:54 PM

TJ, you need to get yourself a hobby that fills more of your time!!

I need to get a job that involves more work and less time on BW / Facebook / Reddit.

This is very similar to my job haha, my poor phone battery


I’m good at making the best ANZAC cookies ever!  grin

blizzard_22 - 07 May 2013 02:45 PM

I’m good at making the best ANZAC cookies ever!  grin

I’ll be the judge of that, get baking michelle LOL


Hmm, stuff I am still good at….......................  The list of stuff I used to be good at is longer.

Still good at

Cooking Omelettes and chicken schnitzel, maybe by extrapolation I could be good at parma’s.
My job
Small vehicle projects, wiring stereos, battery systems, exhausts, intakes etc
Finding cars to buy or at least ideas that suit a set of needs for myself and others
Finding houses I can afford and then others that I can’t but can dream about
Finding the best possible price for what I want to buy on the net
Filming my mates surfing
making small surfing videos of interest to my family and friends
Trip Reports apparently.
I’m still ok at surfing.

deanobruce - 07 May 2013 01:15 PM

I am good at drinking, partying, building stuff, pleasuring, killing things on Call of Duty, Lifting heavy things repeatedly, being an all round top bloke.

The ideal house mate right there

NBG - 07 May 2013 02:59 PM

others that I can’t but can dream about


My friend and I have gotten into the habit of email each other our “realistic” dream houses!

ie that house that if I had dual income (ie wasn’t single) I could afford.

Or if only I had about $50k more equity in the investment property!

Mizu Kuma - 07 May 2013 06:10 AM

I’m good at drinkin beer and scratchin my balls!!!!!

If it ever becomes an Olympic Sport, I will guarantee Gold for Australia!!!!!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Annoying Jezowitz!!!!!

Well at least I think I’m gettin better with practice!!!!!


Singing love songs in a duet cool smile

Azz - 07 May 2013 03:18 PM

Singing love songs in a duet cool smile

What time do we have rehearsals again?????


My mousse, and hot chocolate on a. Stick are gf!!! And if you can get away with oreos? The cheese cake is too! Haha

h0z - 07 May 2013 11:01 AM

one condition.. We get to eat the cakes.. Lol

You only said the cakes!

But no can’t get away with Oreos either!

But the hot choc sticks are a great idea!