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What are you good at?


TJ is good a stalking girls online and even better at creeping them out LOL

TJswish - 06 May 2013 04:30 PM

Also, finding you on facebook was way too easy lol. If you haven’t quit yet and are working, we could be down the road from each other right now lol.

TJswish - 06 May 2013 05:02 PM

Your facebook profile is /citylightstam lol.

And the first post on your page is the one from perisher with the guy on the rail.

I work at world square on George street. It says you work up at the cinema? or you quit there before you went to the USA?

We don’t have any friends in common though.

TJswish - 06 May 2013 07:29 PM

Haha I knew I’d get in shit for this… Sorry if I freaked anyone out (mainly TAM)

I just get bored at work lol.


Creepy shock


TJ, you need to get yourself a hobby that fills more of your time!!


Well i suppose we must flow with the things we’re good at…  gulp

I personally excell at being fabulous.. just ask me wink

Rhi - 06 May 2013 08:57 PM

I personally excell at being fabulous.. just ask me wink

come on rhi, i know about you girls from the bri wink


Sometimes I like to think I’m good at snowboarding, until I watch a snowboarding video on YouTube/BW LOL

Koper - 06 May 2013 09:12 PM

Sometimes I like to think I’m good at snowboarding, until I watch a snowboarding video on YouTube/BW LOL

i think we all have those moments LOL


100% keeping my missus away from you TJ at the shred!!!! In fact she isn’t going anymore….........

DylanV - 06 May 2013 09:10 PM

come on rhi, i know about you girls from the bri wink

hahahaha… and which bri girls do you know?  wink chances are i know them…

and surely i dont just get lumped in with the whole?

Rhi - 06 May 2013 09:29 PM
DylanV - 06 May 2013 09:10 PM

come on rhi, i know about you girls from the bri wink

hahahaha… and which bri girls do you know?  wink chances are i know them…

and surely i dont just get lumped in with the whole?

i deny everything!!! dont believe what they say about me! except the good things, they’re probably true LOL

of course you dont, your a country girl that snowboards, your a list topper!! cheese


I’m good at cooking yummy food ( just last week I’ve made, Oreo cheesecake balls, chocolate mouse (from scratch) and hot chocolate on a stick (you stir it in hot milk and it melts making hot chocolate)

I’m also good at customising.. (see my thread, eg. My skateboard, my car, my helmet, my bw hoodie etc.)


put a link here for your thread h0z


Oooh… Oreo cheesecake balls? Sounds AMAZING!

I have an awesome oreo-cadbury cheesecake recipe! Love that stuff! Also got given a new lemon meringue recipe im keen to try out grin

Azz - 06 May 2013 08:54 PM

TJ, you need to get yourself a hobby that fills more of your time!!

I need to get a job that involves more work and less time on BW / Facebook / Reddit.


Tj needs a job that involves Facebook.

I was reminded of my greatest talent on Saturday night when guests opened a few packs a Fantales - I can answer 9/10 Fantales wrapper questions, many from just the first line.

I’m so good that I’ve been banned from trivia nights that use Fantales to get the questions.

Rhi, how fabulous are you? (Just asking).